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ServiceDesk @mention alert a user in automation

xuan wang July 17, 2015


We have set up a few automations in Service Desk. What does "Alert a user" do ? I thought we would receive an email but actually not. I can see the internal message in a ticket which means that it is triggered correctly. 



2 answers

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Hua Soon SIM _Akeles_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 26, 2018

According to

  • Alert user to prompt a specific user or users via an @mention
Yves Martin
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May 13, 2020

And this feature requires users to be granted global permission "Browse Users".

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Stephanie Costa
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October 13, 2016

I don't see any answer on this - I have the same problem. Email notifications are only sent if option "Run as project default" is selected, not "Run as the user who triggered the rule". 

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