Create a subtask of type Bug

anuj__sharma September 3, 2017

I want to have Bug as subtask for all issues

My analysis :

We can create a new subtask type : 'Bug-Subtask'
Because only available subtask types are : 'Action' and 'Subtask'

Is there any other way to create subtask of type 'bug'. Pls suggest


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 3, 2017

No, there is no "other way".  Do it the proper way - add "bug" as a sub-task type, then add the issue type into your project's "issue type scheme" (you need to be an admin to do those two steps)

anuj__sharma September 3, 2017

Thanks for the confirmaton
I asked this because i read that there were issues created for new feature like this two years ago.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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September 3, 2017

I'm not sure I understand what you are looking for here, but there's no "new feature" I can see. 

JIRA has supported sub-task issues since version 2, back in the early 2000's  (possibly version 1, but I have very little experience with Jira 1, so don't know)

CDIT Administration January 14, 2022

I have also been trying to add "bug" as a sub-task type so that I can create bugs from my issue, but am getting the error below when I try to do so. Any thoughts?


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 14, 2022

You will have to rename the existing Bug issue type to something else if you want to create Bug as another type.

CDIT Administration January 14, 2022

Thanks...this worked.

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