How can I create filter for release dates for all projects

Casey Maynard July 31, 2017

Is there any way for me to build a filter/query that will display me a list of all of my fixversions and their release date?  If there is a add-on, I need it to be free as I have no authority to purchase add-ons for our JIRA usage.

2 answers

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Deleted user April 17, 2019

Is there some way to get this in Jira?  I want to filter by release date if at all possible.

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Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
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July 31, 2017

There is not. Search in JIRA will return issues, not any other object. Typically what you are talking about is a portfolio level view of the projects that are running. This is provided through paid add-ons such as Portfolio for JIRA, Tempo Planner, etc

Casey Maynard April 18, 2019

Thank you.   It is amazingly frustrating that we are paying for a product that cannot give us features that are useful without having to buy another add-on.

We do have Portfolio trial, but will not keep it because of the expense.

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