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Is there any way that we can have a link to confluence KB space in my service desk customer portal

gangadhar mamillapalli April 22, 2015

Hi All,

Linking confluence to Service desk is a great feature.As of now its it only gives us the topics based on the search. 

But is there any way that we can have a link to confluence space KB in he customer portal page ?SD with KB.png



2 answers

0 votes
NikNasty April 22, 2015

Hi Gangadhar, 


you can use the wiki markup format of (Note the | between the text and url, no sapce):


0 votes
William Zanchet [Atlassian]
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April 22, 2015

Hi Gangadhar,

We don't have such feature, we just have the another way around:

Create from Service desk to Confluence.


Stephen Johnston _Administrator_
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January 24, 2020

The combination of these two features, with no simple link, is so ham-fisted as to be laughable. You tout "machine learning' in knowledgebase articles but we can't even link to the nice structure confluence wiki area. What a bunch of garbage.

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