Behaviour does not work (not found)

teo November 24, 2016

In any screen of an issue, Behaviour errors are shown (Error 404).
I do not know if it is an installation or configuration problem.

image2016-11-25 10:0:32.png

Script Runner scripts do work, but behaviours do not.

Any ideas?

5 answers

3 votes
Eisonesoft February 21, 2017

This bug is related with the jira base url. Make sure your jira General settings Base URL is properly set.

If this is correct, check your JIRA HTML. Find <input type="hidden" ...> entries in <fieldset class="hidden parameters">. Some params, like the base url, are to be datafilled based on these entries.

Enric Font February 21, 2017

We have compared that information and now we know the source of the problem. It is related to the footer's modification.

Thank you

0 votes
Enric Font February 20, 2017


@Nic Brough [Adaptavist], @Jamie Echlin [Adaptavist] any ideas about this bug?


Could you help us, please?

Best regards



0 votes
Joan Nuñez Serrano
I'm New Here
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December 1, 2016

News for this bug????

0 votes
teo November 25, 2016

3.1.4 to JIRA 6.4

0 votes
Thanos Batagiannis _Adaptavist_
Rising Star
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November 24, 2016

Hi Teo,

Which version of the ScriptRunner plugin you use ?

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