Closing issues sets Resolution to "Unresolved"

Sarah Shonnard November 15, 2012

We use the resolution field in JIRA to reperesent various states of delivery for an issue during the Resolve phase of its lifecycle. For some reason when the issue is moved to Closed JIRA is automatically setting the Resolution back to "Unresolved" Is there any way to keep the current Resolution when moving issues to Closed?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 15, 2012

Sounds like one of your administrators has either

* edited the workflow and included a post-function to clear the resolution


* created a listener that catches "close" events and set it up to clear the resolution field

I'd rule those two out first - have a quick look for listeners, and then check the workflow

Sarah Shonnard November 15, 2012

I am the admin, and I didn't do either of those things, so I'm pretty sure neither of them is the cause.

The only other thing I can think of that might matter is the fact that we use Greenhopper and "Resolved' is an "In Progress" state for us, not a "Done" state.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 15, 2012

Ok, then it's almost certainly Greenhopper then - look at the resolutions for the "closed" column and remove the "any" option, or "none" - in other words, force the column to always have a resolution.

Sarah Shonnard November 15, 2012

I'm not sure where you check the resolutions for "closed". I seem to remember seeing this at one point, but I can't figure out how to get back to it. Would you please give me specific instructions on how to check it.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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November 16, 2012
Sarah Shonnard December 2, 2012

I tried removing "any" and "none" but that didn't fix the issue.

I did a bit more digging and found that the Workflow Transition to Closed has a post function set which clears the Resolution field. However, I can't figure out how to remove the post function. It only gives you an option to add more, but not delete the existing ones.

Any ideas how I can edit the post function to remove the line item which clears the resolution field?

Reading back through this thread I see this is the first thing you suggested I look at. However, I didn't add the post function. I'm guessing it's part of the default JIRA install.

Regardless, how do I remove it?

Sarah Shonnard December 2, 2012

Update: I exported the workflow to XML and hand edited the code to remove the post function which was clearing the Resolution field. I then re-imported the XML into a new workflow and made it active on my project. Seems to have worked.

Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

Yes, I'd would have preferred to do it that way, but I couldn't find a way to edit the post-functions to remove it. The only link available is "Add"

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 3, 2012

You could just edit the workflow and remove the post-function in the UI - you'll generally find that a LOT more easy than mucking around with the xml.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 3, 2012

Hmm, that's odd, there should be edit and delete options on the list of post-functions. What version of Jira are you on, and where did you look to edit the workflow?

Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

5.2-m06-2. I went to: Admin -> Workflows -> Edit (on my specific workflow) -> Closed [In transition] (or any other transition for that matter). Here's the screen:

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 3, 2012

No screenshot here :-(

Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

I added one to my last comment, but for some reason it didn't show up. I can e-mail it to you separately if you'd like.

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C. Faysal
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December 3, 2012

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C. Faysal
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December 3, 2012
Is this workflow simplifiedby greenhopper?
Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

Yes, but I needed to fix this issue so we didn't lose resolution information when dragging from Resolved to Closed in the Work board. We use five columns on our Work board: Open, Blocked, In Progress, Resolved and Closed

C. Faysal
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December 3, 2012

ok i tried to do the same...

i chose a project using a modified agile configuration i set "Simplify Workflow" and indeed there will be added a post funkction "The Resolution of the issue will be cleared." to the "closed" transition.

but i do have the choice to delete it...can you please check what persmission you have on the project?

check Permission Schemes and Project Roles


i see "The Resolution of the issue will be cleared." is going to be added to all transitions...which currently makes no sense to me...what is the use of setting a resolution to "none" if you resolve an issue...

i think this has to be checked out by Atlassian if this is really a feature or a bug.

Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

I'm using our Sysadmin account, so I should have blanket permissions, no?

I agree with your note. Seems like clearing the resolution is making a pretty big assumption about people's workflows. We clearly need it to reamain set for ours. I would think it should have to be explicitly added as a post function.

Sarah Shonnard December 3, 2012

Admin role wasn't set, so I added it, but still don't see any "Delete" button or link when I got to edit the workflow. I'm sure I'm still doing something wrong.

I've already fixed my problem by hand editing the XML, so I have little motivation to investigate this further ... that is until the next time I need to remove a post function ;-)

C. Faysal
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December 3, 2012

check if your sysadmin account is in the role "Administrator" for your project. this should be fine then.

then please go to administration/issues/workflow and select the greenhopper workflow which is currently assigned to that project and click "edit"

then open at lease the closed & resolved transitions ... you should see something like this:

(hmm attachement doesn't show up)

C. Faysal
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December 3, 2012

strange....what user groups your account is in?

your in jira-administrators and your got full admin access don't you?

if not did you set up global permissions using a stripped down administator-group like jira-systems-administrators

in one of these groups (is believe so) you must be in to see the "Administration" Link top right next to your username...only project administrator role won't let you modify the real workflow

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 3, 2012

Please bear in mind that "system administrator" rights mean you can administrate the system. It does NOT mean "I can do everything and ignore the permissions". That's a really badly broken approach to a system admin account for several reasons and an appalling default if someone does do it. But check your workflow permissions and permission schemes - it is fine to add in "system admins can do this", as long as you think it through.

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