Create on transition, using original fields but not updating them on original issue

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 4, 2015

I am using the create on transition plugin. We have original issues that we want to partly copy (and link of course)

For example we want to copy the summary, BUT let the user get a screen where the suggestion for summary is the original but it should be possible to change - wihout changing the original issue. Is that possible without creating "temporary" fields? 

And if using temporary fields, how do we solve it for components? 

5 answers

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Guilherme Nogueira
Rising Star
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May 6, 2015

Hey I know that you already solved your problem but your question remembered that:

Basically you can continue using just one field "Summary" but any updates that you made during transition will be discarded.

In my case I only need to discard a multicheckbox field (more complicated).


Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 6, 2015

Thank you!

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Maud Schlich June 2, 2015

Hello Bhargavi,

sorry for being that late, I haven't seen your comment in time.

What you need to do is not clone but "Create-on-transition" with the plugin from Bob Swift. With this plugin you may create a new issue using either the fields of the original one as identical copies or change whatever you wish to. If there is some new value you want to use, then you need to define a new custom field and show that on the mask you use for the transaction. If you could be a bit more specific, than I can help you better :-)



Bhargavi Nannapaneni June 7, 2015

Thanks for the reply Maud. Unfortunately, this is not what i'm looking for. I'm trying to achieve this using script runner plugin by using Groovy code. Thanks, Bhargavi.

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Maud Schlich May 5, 2015

Hello Susanne, I did that with introducing temporary fields, pre-populate the mask from the original fields (using script runner or behaviour plugin) and then create on transistion, then finishing the transaction and afterwards emptying the temporary fields again. If you want to talk about this (I assume you are German as me?) contact me via mobile or mail.

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 6, 2015

Ah thank you! I am actually from Sweden :) I will see what the customer says and get back to you if needed.

Bhargavi Nannapaneni May 6, 2015

Hi Maud, I have a similar requirement. When I clone a exiting jira issue, I need the fields to be editable while it gets created. As of now, cloned issue gets created with the values of original issue and i need to manually edit the cloned issue to change the values. Can you please let me know how you got this done through script runner? Regards, Bhargavi.

Maud Schlich June 2, 2015

Hello @Susanne Harelius, I know a bit Norwegian :-) But the easiest then certainly is continuing here or - if you want - using Skype.

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Bob Swift (personal)
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May 5, 2015

The transition screen is for the issue being transitioned, so it will update the issue fields. I don't think there is any way to avoid that.

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 5, 2015

Thanks! I know that but wanted a bit different behavior :) What I did except what I wrote in the other comment is that I clear the new fields after create on transition.

Bob Swift (personal)
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May 5, 2015

Ah, that is good idea :). So the new fields just get treated as temporary with no lasting affects on the original issue.

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 5, 2015

Yes exactly! Also they would love to be able to have the original summary and be able to edit it and then it will be the new summary. Lots of improvements out there ;)

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Guilherme Nogueira
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May 5, 2015

I Have 2 possible solution for your problem (hope so).

1 - Can be the order of your postfunction. Remember! any edits are save during those two postfunction:

  1. Update change history for an issue and store the issue in the database.
  2. Re-index an issue to keep indexes in sync with the database.

Be careful that you are using your create on transition after those two smile

2 - You're using %original_summary% (maybe can be same solution as 1), try only %summary%.


Try it and let me know.

Bob Swift (personal)
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May 5, 2015

Using %original_summary% or %parent_summary% is best practice. %summary% is equivalent to %parent_summary% but is less clear in documenting what it happening.

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 5, 2015

Well, what I did for Summary and Description is that I created new fields called New Summary and New Description, and those I show on the transition screen. Then in the create on transition I set the summary to the value on New Summary and same for Description. But for components that is harder. So we will see if I can convince the client to copy the value and then edit afterwards. Thank you for replying!

Guilherme Nogueira
Rising Star
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May 5, 2015

Wow I totally misunderstand your question :P sry for that

Susanne Harelius [Riada]
Rising Star
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May 5, 2015

I was a bit unclear :) Always hard to describe the need!

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