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Syncing a group instead of all users

Søren Myrrhøj Svenningsen
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January 9, 2023


If I want to go from syncing all users, to a specific group instead. Will that affect my current users? (Through my identity provider)

From what I can read in different FAQ's it will?

"We'll stop syncing some users if they're not in these groups. They won't be able to log in to Atlassian products.
Go to your Google Workspace to find which users aren't in these groups."

So the real question is, if I add all the existing members to the new sync group they will not be affected?

Thanks in advance!

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Nathan Smith
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 13, 2023

Hey @Søren Myrrhøj Svenningsen 

It sounds like this is related to the Automatic User Provisioning that's available with Atlassian Access so I'll move this question over to the Access space to get you the best answer on this.

Michael Aglas September 1, 2023

and so we get no answer at all

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