How could I make Jira to automatically create a new issue, when I created a new version of a project?

Paula Dasch July 15, 2013

I would like Jira to automatically create a number of issues for a project, when I create a new version of a project. The reasons are quality aspects: automated creation of issues. It would be nice, if I could customize the number and type of issues, dependent on project.
Is it possible?
If yes, how? Jira out-of-the-box, some plugin, customizing or by writing a new plugin?

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Radu Dumitriu
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July 15, 2013

You can use JJupin, it has an ad-hoc script runner for our language, SIL

The routine to add a new version is

This way you can script creation of the new version, add initial issues, etc. Not automated (for now) but reusable ....

Radu Dumitriu
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July 16, 2013

Damn it, I saw it late, JIRA 4.4 (that's old!)

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Paula Dasch August 4, 2013

We plan to upgrade to Jira Version 6.0.5. How does that change some suggestions?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 4, 2013

It doesn't change the suggestions, but it does mean that you can use Radu's plugin because it works on Jira 6.x

You'll still need to catch the "version created" event and write some code to create an issue.

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Paula Dasch July 15, 2013

we have Jira Version 4.4.4 but an upgrade to a newer version of JIRA is upcoming

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 15, 2013

Yes, but I don't think 4.4 supports it.

I'm afraid you will need to do some coding, but the basic approach is "write a listener" - these catch events and execute whatever code you need. So you'd want to catch "new version created", and you'll find that the event data will contain at least the version and project, which should be enough for your code to decide what to do. There's plenty of examples of creating issues littered around the docs and Answers. (But you need to decide if this is the right approach for you before I start blathering about that bit)

On 4.4, I'm really not sure when "version events" were introduced. I want to say 5.0 but my memory isn't great. (You're fine on Listeners, they've been there since at least 3.something)

Paula Dasch July 15, 2013

Hi Nic,

thank you for your very fast answer! My first thought after searching for it on the Internet was that someone has to code something for that purpose. In this phase I am not yet to decide if coding is the right approach for us.

I asked Atlassian Support the same question. They told me there is a feature request on this:

I am not sure if this is what we need. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that a feature request will be realized in the near future not to mention if at all.

They also told me, I could try the plugin Create On Transition for JIRA for my purpuse and / or maybe ask the vendor if my intention is possible with this commercial plugin.

Has anybody some experience with this plugin and maybe could tell me, if my intention is to realize with it?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 15, 2013

Hmm, I'm not sure either of those are related. They both talk about creating new issues as a result of changing an existing issue, whereas I think your question was more about creating issues when a version is created in a project. The code you might find in them is probably what you'd need to handle the creation side, but not the "detect version create" part. Having said that, catching an event is the easy bit in a listener!

Paula Dasch July 15, 2013

Hi Nic,

thanks again for your comment.

Bob Swift (personal)
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July 15, 2013

Create On Transition for JIRA is a workflow post function, so not really this situation. How to create projects or sets of issues based on a template techniques can be used to automate creating versions and related issues. And there is a note in that if you want to do this as part of a workflow step.

Paula Dasch August 11, 2013

Hi Nic,

thanks for the explanation.

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