Issues & Sub Tasks

Linus Russell October 4, 2012

Is there a way to automatically create a pre-set number of sub tasks when I create a new issue on a project.

So when I create a cretin type of issue I would like a number of pre-defined sub tasks to be automatically generated along with that issue?

So I do not have to create them each time?

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Matheus Fernandes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 4, 2012

The Script Runner Plugin has a built-in post-function to 'Create a Sub-task':

This is very similar to "Clone an Issue" above, except that it will create a sub-task. This function could be used multiple times to create several sub-tasks, for instance if you have an issue type that requires approval by 3 groups you might create a sub-task to represent each approval, and use the "Transition parent when all subtasks are resolved" to automatically transition the parent when each sub-task has been approved.

You can see more about this post-function here: Create a Sub-task

Linus Russell October 9, 2012

Thanks this was helpful. I have to install the UPM first. Struggling with this bit. I have a hosted version of JIRA and cannot locate home directory which the install guide speaks off. I suppose it is different for hosted and I will have to research that.

Thanks for your help

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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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October 19, 2012

Create on Transition Plugin for JIRA provides a post function to create a sub task. One or more of these can be associated to the create issue transition. With CSOT-16 , the creates can be conditioned based on project or other issue information so that different sets of subtasks can be created for different situations.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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October 4, 2012

You will need to write a workflow post function plugin to do this.

Linus Russell October 9, 2012

Thanks this was helpful. I have to install the UPM first. Struggling with this bit. I have a hosted version of JIRA and cannot locate home directory which the install guide speaks off. I suppose it is different for hosted and I will have to research that.

Thanks for your help