How do I disable the annoying JIRA and Confluence Tutorials?

Arne Schirmacher July 30, 2015

After installing the latest JIRA and Confluence releases I am confronted with this extremely annoying JIRA mini tutorial that forces me to click this "Next" button for twelve times. I could not figure out a way around it. 

Similarly, Confluence also has a very annoying introduction that forces me to create a new space. I can't skip this no matter what.

Sometimes I have to install several JIRA and Confluence instances per day and I HATE THIS "FEATURE" WITH PASSION! YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME!

Please provide a "Skip" link or a properties file flag to disable this.

Btw most of my customer administrators also hate this feaure.

6 answers

12 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2015

I'm sorry, I can only give you half of an answer.

In JIRA, you have a couple of options:

  1. Add -Datlassian.darkfeature.jira.onboarding.feature.disabled=true to the environment (setenv or JIRA_OPTS)
  2. Log in as an admin, and go to the dark-features screen <jira-base-url>/secure/SiteDarkFeatures!default.jspa and add the flag:jira.onboarding.feature.disabled

The other half is confluence, I've not found a way to kill it in that yet.

Andy Brook [Plugin People]
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July 30, 2015

Thanks Nic, thats now part of my standard DEV include!

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2015

Sadly, I embedded the first one in my "bashrc that I keep on a shared drive so I can use it on all my machines". About a day after they released that version of JIRA. I've not found the Confluence one yet, but I find it less intrusive, as I usually need to create a space immediately, and I don't do that much with empty Confluences.

Arne Schirmacher July 30, 2015

I agree that an empty Confluence is useless however I am forced to create a new space even if I import the Demo space.

Arne Schirmacher July 30, 2015

Also, it is the customer who decides what spaces are to be created, not me.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2015

Yes, I know, I'm just lucky on the Confluence side, my work doesn't expose me to it much, so I've not bothered to chase it down. Unlike the Jira one.

Atlassian Team
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July 30, 2015

Trudging through the source of the confluence-onboarding plugin turned up a "confluence.onboarding.bypass" dark feature that may accomplish what you want. (Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried it). For what it's worth, several of us on the Enterprise teams expressed this same opinion of the user onboarding and were overruled. The argument goes something like this: Only experienced administrators are distracted by this; it is easy enough to pseudo-skip just by holding down the return key; and it is helpful enough for the end users to justify the minor annoyance to experienced admins. Perhaps the users that you are installing JIRA or Confluence for will be less familiar with the products, so it may be worth reconsidering what the impact of disabling this globally may have for them.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2015

That is true, it is something I turn off *for me*, on my dev/test systems. I've not yet turned it off for a client production system. (Although the pseudo-skip didn't work last time I forgot to turn it off - the focus wasn't defaulting correctly)

Arne Schirmacher July 30, 2015

I will try the hold-down-return-key trick the next time - I can certainly live with this workaround.

6 votes
lavitz slambert
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July 30, 2015

Yep.. they should add a button just to skip all.... Anyway, here is the other half of the answer laugh:

Got to the Manage add ons page and search for the Confluence Onboarding plugin:


Expand the modules and disable the following ones:


information In my first image those modules where already disabled.

After doing that the "annoying tutorial dance" shall no longer happens to a new user (I tested and it worked as a charm).

Hope it helps.
Thanks and Regards,
Lavitz - the guy that uses Confluence on Windows as a Hobby!
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 30, 2015

Oh, I hadn't thought of trying that! Thanks!

lavitz slambert
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July 30, 2015

You are more than welcome grand answers master Nic, usually your posts are the ones helping me, so is good to help you for a change ;).

Arne Schirmacher July 30, 2015

Unfortunately, I can only deactivate the plugin_after_ installation is complete, which requires answering the tutorial.

lavitz slambert
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July 31, 2015

Yes, I understand that, however I believe is a pretty small price to pay as other users no will longer face this and for next versions the plugin will be disabled.

Fernanda Souza July 31, 2015

Small price indeed, disabling those modules did the trick in my end. No more complains from my users!

Graham Allen
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February 26, 2016

@lavitz slambert I can't seem to read the second image, can you re-upload the second image or provide a list of the modules that need to be disabled? 

Entero Documentation March 3, 2016

@lavitz slambert, please do repost the image of disabled add-ons. I have the same challenge as @Graham Allen.


lavitz slambert
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March 3, 2016

Sorry folks, I saw this notication last week and forgot on doing that cheeky. I'm kinda busy at this moment. Later today I will repost thos wink.



Graham Allen
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March 8, 2016

Thanks @lavitz slambert

1 vote
lavitz slambert
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March 4, 2016

Ok Folks, I tested this in my Confluence 5.8, Manage Add ons > All addons, search for Confluence Onboarding, then disable the following modules:

  • Onboarding Space Check Job(onboardingSpaceCheckJob)

  • Onboarding Space Check Trigger(onboardingSpaceCheckTrigger)

  • Onboarding Number Of Users Check Job(onboardingNumberOfUsersCheckJob)

  • Onboarding Number Of Users Check Trigger(onboardingNumberOfUsersCheckTrigger)

Dunno why I'm unable to add a screenshot sad.

information I miss the old answers.....

Hope it helps,






lavitz slambert
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March 4, 2016

@Graham Allen and @Cayly Dixon_ I've reposted the modules.

Entero Documentation March 4, 2016

@lavitz slambert this is so helpful. Thank you!

Tip for cloud installations: you won't be able to deactivate these yourself but you can raise a support ticket and make that request.

Here is communication from Cloud support on this topic:

I did want to let you know that it is a system plugin, so there is a chance that it will be re-enabled during system maintenance. I don't believe it will, but it is possible, and if it does please let me know and I'll see if we have other options available. Can you please test it out and let me know if the onboarding is gone?

Also, there is a feature request open to make this easier to turn off:

Please take a look at our documentation covering New Features to get a good overview of how and when we implement new features into the product:

New Feature Policy

I would also recommend voting on the request to let our product teams know you are interested in seeing this in the future, and please add yourself as a watcher so you will receive updates on the request. I also went ahead and linked to this ticket in a private comment to provide more visibility on the feature request. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks!

Best regards,
Eric Franklin | Cloud Support


0 votes
Entero Documentation March 4, 2016

Reposting this as a main thread:

lavitz slambert this is so helpful. Thank you!

Tip for cloud installations: you won't be able to deactivate these yourself but you can raise a support ticket and make that request.

Here is communication from Cloud support on this topic:

I did want to let you know that it is a system plugin, so there is a chance that it will be re-enabled during system maintenance. I don't believe it will, but it is possible, and if it does please let me know and I'll see if we have other options available. Can you please test it out and let me know if the onboarding is gone?

Also, there is a feature request open to make this easier to turn off:

Please take a look at our documentation covering New Features to get a good overview of how and when we implement new features into the product:

New Feature Policy

I would also recommend voting on the request to let our product teams know you are interested in seeing this in the future, and please add yourself as a watcher so you will receive updates on the request. I also went ahead and linked to this ticket in a private comment to provide more visibility on the feature request. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks!

Best regards,
Eric Franklin | Cloud Support

0 votes
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July 30, 2015

Chris, I think this will win the most annoying feature award for 2015. The tip about holding Return down is golden. 

Atlassian Team
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July 30, 2015

Matt, possibly so... but you already knew I agreed with you on this one from when you asked much the same question, eh?

lavitz slambert
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July 31, 2015

Well, is not the best feature in the world, I also agree on that... However considering other kind of problems we face in confluence and JIRA during upgrades like compatibility, change in functionalities, performance and etc, this is indeed something pretty small I rather be annoyed by this than get frustrated that my instance became way slower post a upgrade. At least we have a way to disable so it shouldn't be something to spend to much energy on it :D.

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July 31, 2015

Chris, I know :-) Anyway, I've found another candidate for the most annoying feature - Because that just doesn't scale well at all.

0 votes
Tibor Hegyi _META-INF_
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July 30, 2015


I agree

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