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Team managed project. How to edit resolution

Tomer Feld August 31, 2021

Hello, I am fairly new to Jira and work with a team-managed service project.

I am having a problem with defining the resolution of issues. Even though I set their status as done, they still appear to be unresolved.

I have looked online for help and was referred to the post functions option in the workflow. however, I couldn't find this option in my project. 

I have also tried to use automation such that all issues which are marked as status Done and that were updated more than 5 days ago will be set as done in the resolution field. But I  received an error: "No transitions found for user. Ensure that the rule actor has permission (including issue security levels) to see issue and perform transitions."

The reason I want to set the issues as resolved is to be able to use the dashboard's Average time in status widget that only works on resolved issues.


I'd appreciate any help and would be happy to provide any more details if necessary.





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Jack Brickey
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August 31, 2021

Hi Tomer,

First you cannot influence the resolution on TMP projects. However, you seem to be referring to just getting the resolution field set when you transition an issue to done. The resolution in TMP projects is set when the issue is moved to the far right column on your board. So if you are moving to a different column that is labeled is done, say that second from the right most, then it will not be set. Can you confirm if this might be the issue?

Disclaimer: I do not use TMP very often and it changes very often so the accuracy of my answer certainly may be off especially if reading this in the future. ;-)

Tomer Feld August 31, 2021

Hi Jack, thanks for the replay!

I am working on a service project so I am not sure what do you mean by board. My main objects are issues within a queue. 

Is there a way to switch to a board view?


Jack Brickey
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August 31, 2021

Thanks and I need to reset here a bit. This is been posted in the Jira Software collection but now I understand you are using Jira service management so that does change things.

Can you share the screenshot of your workflow? Do you happen to have more than one done category status?

Tomer Feld August 31, 2021

I am sorry for the confusion, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Indeed, we have 2 done category statuses, we have Done and Canceled. See the attached workflow.


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November 20, 2022

@Tomer Feld How did you update the resolution with this Rule? I don't have the option of updating `Resolution` in the suggested fields.

Jack Brickey
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November 21, 2022

You cannot edit the "resolution" in TMP. Any Done category status will be associated with a Done resolution. As Daniel noted in his answer there are open suggestions. What Tom has conveyed is that you can workaround this by using multiple done category statuses, e.g. Done, Cancelled, Cannot Reproduce, etc...

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November 21, 2022

Currently what I've done, is use the Automation option, and if a statute is moved from ToDo/Backlog to Done, meaning this is a `won't do` Resolution.

And in your flow I can see that you are using rules for the `Cancelled` status, are you doing something related to Resolution?

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Chris Kondov
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March 23, 2023

Hi @Tomer Feld ,

This can normally be achieved through a Post Function, which however is not applicable to team-managed projects.

In order to ensure that issues with a certain status are marked as resolved, there are two things you need to do.

Firstly, you need to ensure that the status is assigned to the 'Done' category in the workflow. You can do this by navigating to:

Project settings > Issue types > Edit workflow, then click on the specific Status and check that the category is 'Done'.

Then, the second thing you need to do is to create an automation rule that will update the resolution status to 'Done' when transitioning that issue to the specific status. You can do this by following the steps below:

1. Navigate to Project settings > Automation.
2. Click 'Create rule'.
3. Select 'Issue transitioned' as the trigger.
4. Select the 'From' and 'To' statuses (your 'To' status will be the status you need to be treated as resolved; the 'From' status can be left blank if you want any transition to your 'To' status to lead to resolution).
5. On the left-hand side with the Rule details, select 'New component' and then click 'New action'.
6. Click 'Edit issue' and then select the 'Resolution' field.
7. From the Resolution dropdown select 'Done'.
8. Click 'Save'.

This automation rule will ensure issues transitioned to your specified status to be marked as resolved. Only thing to note is that issues that already have that status won't change their resolution value automatically (so they will remain unresolved). One way to update this is by transitioning them to a different status and then back to your specified status that now has the automation rule.

Hope that helps!

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Daniel Ebers
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September 3, 2021

Hi @Tomer Feld

while I remember that there was a workaround in the past (which I'm not able to recall and not being able to find in Community either) there is a Suggestion open with Atlassian to allow a resolution set to team-managed Service Management projects in Jira Cloud.

In case you are interested you could leave a vote for it over there:

Edit/Update: in the duplicated Suggestion ( there seems to be a workaround. Please assess if this would be suited for your use case or not.


Tomer Feld September 4, 2021

Hi Daniel, thank you for your comment.

It seems that the workaround is not useful in my situation.

We would like to edit the Jira resolution, to use the reports and dashboard widgets that only apply for resolved issues.

Daniel Ebers
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September 7, 2021

I see - and I fully understand your position that the workaround is not suitable. Please don't miss to upvote the linked Suggestion - that increases the probability the Suggestion will be implemented in future.

Carl Benbow
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March 22, 2022

I had a similar issue recently and learned that you do not need "resolution" to use the Jira reporting tools on TMP. The only two conditions you need are 1. Use only one done status (ex. Done and Canceled cannot both represent the done status ) 2. Done has to be on the far right of the board ( ex. To-do  ->  In-progress -> Done).  

Hope this helps.

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November 5, 2021

I am having the exact same issue as Tomer. So frustrating!  It has worked in the past on my TMP, only recently started to do this.

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November 6, 2021

For now, my workaround is to label the Cancelled issues with a Cancelled label and then mark them as Done.  (However, I don't have a reporting requirement like Tomer has.  But, it would be nice to get this fixed!)

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Fabian Lim
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August 31, 2021

Hi @Tomer Feld

You may want to consider using a transition screen when you are closing the ticket to set the resolution. Check this video tutorial:


Jack Brickey
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August 31, 2021

this video is for CMP i think?

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Tomer Feld August 31, 2021

Hi Fabian, thanks for your help!

However, unfortunately, I think that doesn't apply to a TMP

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November 2, 2022

Why can not we write an automation rule (trigger: Issue Transitioned; Destination statuses: all green Done statuses such as Done/Resolved/Closed; JQL Condition: Resolution is Null; Action: Edit issue --> Resolution is Done)??

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