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Error installing Tempo Timesheets-Time Tracking & Reports

Arturo Chamorro Gómez March 5, 2021

When I try to install the Tempo Timesheets-Time Tracking & Reports App in Jira Cloud I get the following error:

We ran into a little trouble

It might just be a hiccup. Try again in a bit.

Try again

3 answers

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 5, 2021


Sorry to hear about this problem.  There was a problem with Atlassian Cloud sites being unable to install 3rd party apps yesterday (4-March).  This is detailed in

I am not certain if this is the same problem you are experiencing here, but given the nature of your error, it feels like it might be possibly related. I am not certain if the time this incident was happening is correctly lining up with the time you saw this problem. The good news is that this particular incident has been resolved.  So if this was the problem you should be able to install that app now.  If this is not working, then certainly reaching out to the plugin vendor could be useful means to troubleshoot this.



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Susanne Götz _Tempo_
Rising Star
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March 5, 2021

Hi @Arturo Chamorro Gómez

Can you please create a ticket for this in our Tempo Support channel,, so we can better assist you

Thank you

Best regards,
Susanne Götz
Tempo team 

Arturo Chamorro Gómez March 5, 2021

I will, thanks.

0 votes
Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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March 5, 2021

Hi @Arturo Chamorro Gómez ,

the error you are seeing "We ran into a little trouble. It might just be a hiccup. Try again in a bit." can  be triggered after a migration if the imported groups have not been granted access to any default groups for product access.

To check if this is the case, navigate to Administration >> SITE SETTINGS >> Product Access, and you will see a yellow banner at the top of the page

Hope this helps,


Arturo Chamorro Gómez March 5, 2021

Hello @Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_ 

Thanks for your Answer but I don't see any yellow banners. I see the list of my products and the groups that have access to them.


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