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Creating a new ticket from a closed ticket

Andrew Yoward January 5, 2021

We have automation in place that resolves tickets after 14 days of no response and then these tickets automatically close if there is no further interaction after a further 14 days.  If the customer then comes back to us, is there a way to create a new ticket from a closed ticket that will copy everything from the original ticket into the new one?  I know you can link the tickets, but this just means having to go back into the old one to look at screenshots and any dialogue between us.  Can this be done?

Under actions in the old ticket, there is an option to Clone, but would this do what I want?

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Laura Campbell _Seibert Media_
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January 5, 2021

Hi @Andrew Yoward 

A simple solution would be to create a transition out of Done/Closed back to an in progress status.

If you want to use another automation, there's a sample automation in the Automation Template Library "Re-open issue on customer comment" that seems to meet your needs:

If for whatever reason (reporting or other) you don't want to re-open a closed ticket but rather create a new ticket, you can clone the ticket, but the OOTB functionality doesn't include comments and attachments like the screenshots and dialogue you need.

In that case, the app Elements Copy & Sync could could help since the add-on lets you copy fields, comments, and attachments as well as add a link between the original (and now closed) ticket and the new one. You can pre-configure what you want to copy as a recipe, and then just activate the recipe when needed so everything gets copied and linked automatically.

Mo Bhimji November 3, 2022

Hello - Suppose you just want to create a new ticket from the response the client made to the old ticket?


So identical scenario to the original question but rather than re-open the ticket, or clone the ticket we want to create a new ticket using the comments the client replied to from the now closed ticket.


How can we do that?

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