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Email address as user

Jim Stewart January 4, 2021

We are setting up a help desk for our HR people. They want to have an anonymous reporter for ethics situations. Since we can't remove Reporter field, we want to create a 'user' whose only purpose is to report any possible violations.

We could certainly name that user any of a number of things. But we're just curious if we can name this user  That would be the actual user name if possible. If not, we'll just call it something else which I assume would have to be First Name, Last Name so Ethics XYZ or something. 

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Jack Brickey
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January 4, 2021

As long as XYZ domain is one that you own, sure. Now I assume that you are creating a webpage somewhere where any user would click on a button which sends an email that resolves in a from address as specified?

Jim Stewart January 4, 2021

Umm. no. I'm not sure what the means or at least in this context. To clarify - we have set up a portal for all things HR. If for example they need a W2 form, they fill out the fields and the rule in JSM sends it to the right agent. So in the case of the ethics one, same portal, But instead of entering their own name, we have them type in (our company name) and it then a rule sends it to the right agent. So literally no different than any other reporter name other than that it looks like an email address. 

So really the bottom line question is this - does a user name always have to fit the First Name, Last Name format in which case, we'll go with that. 

Jack Brickey
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January 4, 2021

So for a user (Customer) to access the portal to open a request they must log in with an email and password. The email is the UserID w/in JSM. That userID will be the Reporter for the issues.

If you want the issue to be recorded under the user then they must log in using that email and the password. So, if a Customer wants to anonymously raise an issue of type Ethics, then they would have to log into the portal using the ethics email and pwd not their own. Basically, this solution is simply providing a single user login to many users which makes the request anonymous.

What I was trying to convey earlier is that if your company has an intranet webpage that the employees access for internal purposes then you could provide a 'Ethics Request' button which simply generates an email into your JSM project w/ the "From" email being You cannot achieve that from the portal. However, one other option would be to use the Widget feature which allows a user to open a request w/o having to log into the portal. But again this solution requires you to place the javascript for the Widget/project into a webpage that you are hosting, e.g. intranet. When the user clicks on the help widget icon they open an issue and they could enter the as the email (reporter).

Jim Stewart January 4, 2021

I see. That may not be feasible. Basically we use Okta for single sign-on. So in theory, we could have people log out for ethics issues making them truly anonymous when they report and then back in when they want to use apps. I showed HR this and they thought it was clunky. Half of the people here don't even know (or care) what Okta is. So any similar log in/log out solution is probably equally clunky.

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