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Show that team is working on a support ticket

Ann Marie Guinan November 23, 2020

Hi there, 

Currently it could take multiple internal comments before we come to a resolution of a reply for a customer.

Is there a way to notify the customer that a team is currently investigating a ticket without manually sending a comment that the team are looking into it?


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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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November 23, 2020

Hi @Ann Marie Guinan 

Customers will be able to see a change in status as a ticket moves from "Open" or "Waiting for Support" to "In Progress", to show it is being investigated.

If this isn't sufficient, you could create an Automation rule to add an auto-comment!

For example, when an issue transitions from "Waiting for Support" I might want to add a comment stating it is being investigated with an SLA - so I might:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Automation
  2. Click on Automation (New)
  3. Press the blue "Create Rule" button
  4. For the Trigger, select Issue Transitioned. Set the From Status to "Waiting for Support", and the To Status to "In Progress"
  5. Next, add an Action, selecting Comment on Issue. Add your comment text to the box, and check the option to prevent duplicates
  6. Then, click More Options from within the Action, and check "Share with customer" so the comment is made public
  7. Finally, click Rule Details and change the Actor to "User who triggered the event" - this means that the auto-comment is received from a support team member, rather than the System User "Automation for Jira"
  8. Give the rule a name and publish it


Ann Marie Guinan November 23, 2020

Hi @Stephen Wright _Elabor8_ ,

cool this is something I was after as you have explained above. My only issue now is I tried to add a "in progress" workflow but is something I am not very familiar with so I could not get it to flow correctly from the comment to "in progress" to eventually resolve the ticket. 

Is there somewhere where I can learn about workflows and getting the right one in place?

Daniel Ebers
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November 28, 2020

Documentation to the topic "workflows" can be found here, sure:

But what Stephen implemented is an Automation rule. If you want to learn about them this would be the more feasible documentation:

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Stephen Wright _Elabor8_
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November 28, 2020

Hi @Ann Marie Guinan 

Daniel has linked to some great documentation above - you can check out an overview of workflows here also:


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Boyan Angelov
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November 23, 2020


Actually the ticket status is just for that. Make sure there is a status "In progress", or "Working on it" or whatever you name it, which will show the customer that you are working on this.



Ann Marie Guinan November 23, 2020

Hi Boyan,

Is the ticket status different to the resolution status?

Boyan Angelov
Rising Star
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November 23, 2020

The ticket status is what comes with the ticket workflow. You can set whatever statuses you want in the workflow, Jira is good in setting workflows. Usually at the end of the workflow, when the ticket goes to status like Closed or Done, it is good to set Resolution field, where you mark what is the resolution - "Done", "Declined", "Fixed" or whatever actually happened. So the two are different, the customer on the portal will see the current status the ticket is in, so the status is the best way to present to the customer what is actually going on with the ticket right now.



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