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Feedback facility, plus few more

Tomasz Bis November 5, 2020


I got few questions regarding Service Desk.

1. Is there any chance to re-send feedback request to the 'reporter' once ticket was closed. Currently there is an email generated by Service Desk to the 'reporter' as soon as ticket is closed. I would like to find out, whether is it possible to resend the email with feedback request please.

2. How could i add additional category into the ticket 'Q'? I mean the bar on service desk with ticket id's, created time, etc. I am looking to add specifically the following 'current status', 'next action', 'due date'. Ideally i would like the 'due date' be based on SLA.

For instance, the due date would reflect SLA per priority level?

3. How do i start and stop the clock based on SLA. Ideally, when support is investigating the clock would be ticking, but as soon as put on hold/blocked SLA would stop. How to do that.

4. Also, once having SLA's (clock) in place, how do i manipulate the SLA's per ticket priority. For instance, if for the 'highest' priority SLA is 2 hours, how do i set it up?

5. And finally, once having SLA's(clock) in place, is that possible to have some kind of indication in tickets Q, some flag alerting that SLA is about to breach in particular tickets?

Let's say, yellow flag if SLA is about to breach on the same day and red one if SLA has breached.

Kind Regards,


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Liam Green
Rising Star
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November 5, 2020

Hi @Tomasz Bis 

Welcome to the Community!  That's a lot for one post, but I'll try and tackle it all.

1. By feedback I assume you mean the CSAT survey?  It's not currently possible to send it again, but there is an open feature request for it that you can vote on and watch.

2. To edit the columns that appear in the Queue, click on the queue you need to edit, then click on the three dots '...' on the right hand side and click on 'edit queue'.  On the next screen, there is a box labelled 'Columns', as below.

image.pngYou can add any columns by typing the field name, and then clicking the field you want.

I'd suggest you add the 'time to resolution' field rather than updating due date, unless you need it for another reason?

3. and 4. There is really good SLA guidance from Atlassian, so I've linked to that.  If you have any specific issues once you've read through that then please reply to this with them.

5. If you use the 'time to resolution' column as I've suggested above then that will automatically turn yellow when an SLA has 30 minutes or less remaining image.png and red where the SLA has breached image.png

Hope I've covered everything.  

If I haven't, or you need any further info, then let me know.

Regards, Liam

Tomasz Bis November 19, 2020

Hi Liam,

Thank you for your help so far.

Let me ask you something else.

I am trying to create a 'Dashboard', it's a 'Two dimensional filter statistics', based on labels (Screenshot 1).

I have the following issues:

* We apply more than one label per incident. From some reason the dashboard based on labels contains equal volume of labels in the dashboard (;Total Unique Issues') as our entire volume of created tickets since we started using Service Desk. This does;t seem to be right as mentioned before, we apply more than one label per incident,therefore volume of labels should be always higher than the volume of created incidents(screenshot 2 and 3).

* When i click on 'Total Unique Issues', so the total volume of labels on the dashboard which currently exceeds a thousand i get into the tickets and position where i can pull report based on those labels. From some reason that seems to be limited to a thousand positions. Therefore, does not contain all the labels in the dashboard...

(Screenshot 4 and 5).

I hope that makes sense.

Could you try to explain why these two above occur?

Many thanks


Sorry i was pretty sure i can add some screenshots, but looks like this is not an option.

Liam Green
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 19, 2020


I don't use labels, so I'd suggest opening a new question for that.

The issue of downloading only the first 1000 issues is a known problem, but if you press the 'open in Excel' button then it should use the plug in to do it without issue.

Hope that helps

Tomasz Bis November 19, 2020

Thank you very much

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