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Issue type in Service Desk (customer view)

Mateja Dolničar October 21, 2020

Is it possible to show Request type AND Issue type to the customer? 

We want to show Issue type in the list of All (or my) requests to the client. And if Issue type is New Feature, we want to share them Estimate as well. 



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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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October 21, 2020

not really. you might consider creating a custom field and copying the issuetype or setting it manually. but in reality you shouldn't need/want to. you could use Groups to mirror your issuetype but that doesn't really display at the issue by issue view.

Mateja Dolničar October 21, 2020

Jack, thank you!

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Boyan Angelov
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October 22, 2020


You can use a Marketplace app like the one we created - Advanced Portal Reports. It allows you to show any issue field, including Issue type and Estimation. It will not however filter the showing of one field based on another, meaning if you show Estimation it will show it for all issue types, not only New Features, so you will probably have to make a custom field Estimation for the New Features only that you show on the portal.

Feel free to check it out.

Best regards,


Mateja Dolničar October 22, 2020

Sweet! Just what I was looking for. Thank you!

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Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 15, 2021

Hi @Mateja Dolničar 

Atlassian added a simple option to the native Requests page. You can read about it here. It's a basic.

For more demanding customers, we've recently released My Requests Extension for Jira Service Management. I'm a product owner of this app. It provides a dedicated Requests view which allows to display more information to your customers. List of all supported fields you can find in our documentation. This list is still expanding! Re-arrange columns, sorting, exporting etc. are available. We're working also on filters functionality (the same like in the server version).

If you have more requirements according to this app, let us know via Customer Portal. You can also find me at LinkedIn.



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