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Jira service desk outbound emails to customer not being sent

Adam King October 9, 2020

Have only been using Jira for a couple of weeks, and now discovered that with alarming regularity that a lot of our customers are not receiving emails when sent from Jira service desk.  We were previously using gsuite to manage emails before this, so when we reply out of gsuite our emails are received, but these same customers are not receiving anything - not even to spam/junk folders.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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October 10, 2020

Can you check the Customer notifications and ensure the desired events are enabled? Can you provide more details on the failures? Are there any clues from your troubleshooting. And common thread?

Adam King October 10, 2020

Thanks Jack.  We've got the automated email notifications turned off.  But the majority of customers are receiving our manual replies, but probably 1 in 10 are not receiving anything from us.  But when we are dealing with so many people, 1 in 10 or even 1 in 50 creates a lot of problems.  It appears random.

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