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Atlassian managed accounts and Jumpcloud integration

Lucas Hornung January 8, 2020

Hi there!

We are considering to integrate our company's Atlassian cloud products with our jumpcloud account using Atlassian access. As this endeavor raises a couple of questions, I was hoping you might be able to help me find answers:

1. Would there be any immediate changes regarding any of the existing access policies within the integrated Atlassian products? E.g. would some or all of the product's access policies be synchronized among each other once they are administered via Atlassian access?

2. Is it possible to manage the Atlassian product's users and policies independently of one another via Atlassian access, or would the same policies apply across all products?

3. Would we be able to define global policies, which would apply for a certain user group across all products using Atlassian access?

4. Is there any way to test the Jumpcloud integration for some of the users first, before regulating all user accesses via Jumpcloud?

5. Will new atlassian users have to be added to Jumpcloud in addition to Atlassian, once the integration is complete?

Please don't hesitate to ask, should any clarification be needed for any of the questions.

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September 16, 2020

I'd agree here. I'm trying out JIRA/Atlassian products right now, and I think it would be nice to be able to figure out where in the process one might get stuck. My issue is there's no documentation from Atlassian on this, and there's not much from JumpCloud's side other than this:

And even that isn't very clear, as... if you're on a trial, or 'free' tier, you can't contact support. So where does one go to figure out how to integrate the two? It's certainly a painful user experience, mostly from an Atlassian perspective.

Lucas Hornung September 21, 2020

We have actually had to move away from JumpCloud due to a lack of functionality of the connector and are now using SSO via Azure AD. This has its flaws as well, but works much better than connecting to Atlassian via JumpCloud. 

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 22, 2020

Good to know. I may have to look towards that route as jumpcloud support is severely lacking on support using their own documentation. :-/ Thank you Lucas!

Yatish Madhav
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October 13, 2020

Thanks for the insight @Lucas Hornung and @mattgphoto 

We are migrating away from G Suite integration and do currently want to SSO from Jumpcloud to our Cloud instance. It is a bit of a bummer that Access is required and this is the case from what I see here and what I have found in other posts.

It looks like it would work better if one is on DC or Server as that provides the flexibilty of customising that bit more ...

Lucas Hornung October 13, 2020

This solution may not be ideal either, but what worked for us, was to synchronise JumpCloud with Azure AD/ Office 365 and then synchronize Azure AD/ Office 365 with Atlassian Access. This still gives you a central place to give/ revoke access to your Atlassian Products, while at the same time maintaining a lot more functionality. 

Maybe this helps.





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Aaron Geister November 24, 2020

I admin for Atlassian for one company with the use of azure and I will tell you that I use jumpcloud for my business. I know both systems very well and when I use Azure I have lots of provisioning issues. So if your ditching JumpCloud for Azure you might want to double think that. Just letting you know its not always greener on the other side. Also jumcploud gives you all the access to revoke or provision users very well and in a timely manner. JIT it really works fast. 

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