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Is there a way to BULK change the Resolution?

Marni Rader
I'm New Here
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September 11, 2020

I do not see an option to change Resolution from Unresolved to DONE.


We have 166 jobs in our queue that admins did not change from Unresolved to Done, and this is making them STAY IN THE QUEUE of our Requestors, which is annoying to them.


Is there a way to BULK CHANGE the Unresolved status to Done?


Thank you!

2 answers

5 votes
Najjar _Innovura_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 11, 2020

Hi @Marni Rader 

Welcome to Atlassian Community and I hope you have a wonderful Jira journey.

It is frustrating that Jira doesn't allow to bulk edit the resolution of issues. So the below workaround would be easy for this number of issues. 

To resolve all these issues build a self transition from the current status of the issues let's say from Done to Done

In this transition add a post function that updates issue field value (Resolution to Done)

Choose all the issues that are unresolved and in the Done status, go for bulk issue transition and the transition will apply the resolution to all of them

Deleted user May 3, 2022

This solution worked for me. Thank you!

Vladyslava Kovbasa September 6, 2022

How do I add a post function to update the resolution? I see 

"Note: There are no fields on the screen associated with this transition."
Zaldy Parian
Rising Star
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October 20, 2023

Hi @Najjar _Innovura_ 

Thanks for the tip. It also worked for me.

0 votes
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 12, 2020

Hi again Marni, I had responded to you in an older post where I had posted a solution (mirrored above by Najjar). If you still are having issue please let us know.

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