How to get JIRA to ask Crowd to email password reset link?

Sune Mølgaard January 13, 2013


Basically, I want JIRA's "forgot password" link to ask crowd to send the user a reset link - which I see at ttps:// should be possible with

POST /user/mail/password?username=USERNAME

My question, thus, would be which file to edit in order to make that call instead of JIRA's built-in ResetPassword page.

Best regards,

Sune Mølgaard

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C. Faysal
Rising Star
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January 13, 2013

you may take a look at

$JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/includes/loginform.jsp (check for more dependencies there)

not 100% sure but this should be a good starting point

also keep in mind...on every version update you will need to re-edit the files you modify

C. Faysal
Rising Star
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January 13, 2013

according to your last seems you didn't check the file i mentioned.

"Can't access your account" links to http(s)://your_jira_install/secure/ForgotLoginDetails.jspa

a simple grep command shows this result:

./atlassian-jira/includes/loginform.jsp: <page:param name="cancelLinkURI"><ww:url value="'/secure/ForgotLoginDetails.jspa'" atltoken="false"/></page:param>

Sune Mølgaard January 13, 2013

Sorry, I didn't see you answer right away - my bad.

I am indeed looking at the file you specified right now, and it looks like it would do the trick.

As for read/write access, that decision is not mine to make, but it's a good point that you mention it.

C. Faysal
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 13, 2013

why don't you give r/w to the jira application in crowd?

you could add/delete/edit users from jira and all changes will be synced to need to edit any source files from jira

Sune Mølgaard January 13, 2013

One thing - this seems to work just fine for the login page. The normal start screen, however, is a dashboard with a login gadget - I cannot seem to find a way to edit the link for that...

Any ideas?

C. Faysal
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 13, 2013

sorry no...the gadget is a little bit different.

but it's possible to route all users to the login form by adding a little jscript to the announcement banner.

Sune Mølgaard January 13, 2013

It would seem that read/write is indeed an option in this case, but it's nice to know what our options would have been if that hadn't been the case.

Thank you very much for your time!

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Sune Mølgaard January 13, 2013

Come to think of it, simply replacing the "Cannot login?" link with the password reset page in Crowd, might be more desirable. Where would I go about making such changes?

Best regards,


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