Error during setup: Jira Cloud for Sheets

Stefan Warries
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February 6, 2020

So i'm trying to setup: "Jira Cloud for Sheets"

My corporate IT department allowed me to add the add-on to Google Sheets.

Once i add the addon and i click on: "Connect to Jira" it opens a new tab showing me an error: 

Authorize App
Something went wrong
You don't have an Atlassian Jira & User identity site to connect Jira Cloud for Spreadsheets to.

It's very unclear what an "Atlassian Jira & User identity site" is.
I can't find anything about it

Anybody any idea?



Screenshot 2020-02-06 at 11.17.50.png

3 answers

0 votes
Maya Assayag May 23, 2024

Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue. I believe it's a scope problem since I'm getting this error during the OAuth flow with a 409 conflict status code. Does anyone know the solution?

0 votes
Yong September 25, 2022

I have met with the same issue, but don't know the reason.

0 votes
Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2020

Hello @Stefan Warries ,

The error you are encountering:

You don't have an Atlassian Jira & User identity site to connect Jira Cloud for Spreadsheets to

Mentions you do not have access to the User Identity Site.  The identity management system is the user management for Jira cloud accounts indicating that the user account you have logged into the google sheet, does not have access to any Jira cloud sites.

Make sure you are logged into your browser with the account that you use to log into the cloud site so that the tool can connect the account to the sheet.

Also, you have selected Unknown Hosting Type when creating this post, and the google  add-on "Jira Cloud for Sheets" is only avaliable for a JIra cloud instances and would not be compatible with a server deployment of the application.  Can you confirm if you are you on Jira Server or Cloud?

To tell the difference between jira cloud and server, a cloud instance will hav a "" domain in the url like "" where a server installation will have a custom domain name

If you are on Jira server and you are looking for a similar add-on you could look into something like the Google Sheets Integration third party tool that has similar functions and is designed for jira server compatibility.


Adam Stein May 18, 2023

I just ran into this as well, and I'm using Jira Cloud. The fix was to log out of Jira and log back in...

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