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How do I filter incoming emails to the JSD email portal

Paul Strydom May 22, 2019

Good day

We have Jira Service Desk and it is set up with the built in email portal to receive and process requests sent via email.

I can't find a setting or way to filter out emails sent from our auto reporting engine (specific sender address).

Is it possible to do?

Thank you

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 22, 2019


what do you mean by "filter out emails sent from our auto reporting engine"?

Are you saying you don't want the service desk to create tickets from that sender? Or are you saying you'd like tickets created from that sender triaged in some way? Either autoclosed, placed into their own queue, ect? 



Paul Strydom May 22, 2019

Hi Kian

Thanks for the response.

Ideally we would like the service desk not to create tickets from those senders.

But if this is not possible, your alternative suggestion of auto-close would suffice.

In either case, I would need some guidance to configure as I am still building my Jira skills.



Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 22, 2019


There are a couple of ways we could approach this. Could you please tell me, what are the permissions like on your service desk? Can anyone email and raise a ticket even if they don't have a Jira account? Or do they need to be specifically added to your service desk project? 



Paul Strydom May 28, 2019


Currently anyone sending an email (even when an account does not exist yet) can log a ticket.

I'm guessing this is where I need to look to "block" certain senders from creating tickets.



Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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May 29, 2019

A lot of service desks will set up the permissions so that "customers my team adds to the project" or "Anyone with an account" can raise them. 

I don't know if you have a need to have the desk open to everyone? If you don't, you could use one of those two options to limit the users that can send requests. If you set it up so that "Anyone with an account" can send requests, you would need to search for and delete any tickets the automated alert has created and then remove that user from the system. 

If you need it set up such that anybody in the world can raise a request, you'll need to automatically close the tickets. 

To do so, you would want to create a new project automation to triage email requests. You'll need to automatically transition the tickets to "resolved".

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