After changing workflow unable to modify status on issues

Justin Vander Ziel May 15, 2019

I created a custom workflow for our project after discovering that someone had modified the underlying workflow of our previous workflow and changed a status. However, now I am unable to change the status of the items in our project. How can I fix this?

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Justin Vander Ziel May 15, 2019

This wasn't a permissions nor conditions nor validations issue at all; this is simply a matter of not understanding the workflow transitions.

It seems that all statuses in a workflow must either have a defined transition from one status to the other or they must have the property "Allow all statuses to transition to this one" set to true (it should be checked).

In my case, I wanted to allow all statuses to be able to transition to any other status within the workflow. However, I failed to see the little checkbox the first time around. 


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Victor Mutambuki
Rising Star
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May 15, 2019


Check to see if there are any conditions or validations that maybe blocking you from modifying status of the issue. Also, check on the permission scheme to make sure you've the permissions that you'd before.


Justin Vander Ziel May 15, 2019

Hi @Victor Mutambuki -

Thanks for your quick response. I am new at setting this stuff up so could you explain how I can accomplish this?

  • How do I check for conditions or validations?

As far as permissions are concerned,

  • I am an Administrator and Developer
  • I have assigned the new Workflow (with any to any transitions) and a Software Simplified Workflow scheme to the Project
  • We are using the Default Permission Scheme in which any logged-in user is able to transition issues

What am I missing?



Ashley Beringer
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September 22, 2021

@Justin Vander Ziel Did you find a way to solve it? I think I'm having the same issue.

Justin Vander Ziel September 30, 2021

I did solve the problem I had at the time when I had Jira Admin privileges. If you have Admin privileges and you are able to modify the workflow then the following might work for you:

It seems that all statuses in a workflow must either have a defined transition from one status to the other or they must have the property "Allow all statuses to transition to this one" set to true (it should be checked).

In my case, I wanted to allow all statuses to be able to transition to any other status within the workflow. However, I failed to see the little checkbox the first time around. 

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