Importing Sprint field value in JSON format doesn't work

Laszlo Török March 22, 2019

I have an empty project, that is no Sprints exists. I am attempting to import issues with a Sprint field, so following the documentation I structured the JSON as follows:

... excerpt from some issue ...

: [ { "fieldName": "Sprint", "fieldType": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint", "value": [ { "rapidViewId": 30, "state": "Complete", "name": "New Sprint" } ] } ]

However I get an error for every issue with a Sprint field:

Cannot add value [ {state=CLOSED, name=Sprint 54 FE (05.12. - 18.12.)} ] to CustomField Sprint in Issue with summary 'new LTIs for ProTrain, DB Personas and NAP': null


What am I doing wrong?

2 answers

1 vote
Jacek Katarzyniak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 13, 2019

Hi Laszlo,

I have the same issue. Did you resolve this problem?

Laszlo Török May 13, 2019

Hi Jacek,

I am afraid, it doesn't work. There is no way to correctly import the start date, end date and finish date this way.

I ended up writing a script that created the sprints and assigned the issues to the correct sprints via the REST API.

It's a pain.

Additionally, the "Finish Date" can't be set via the API either. It will be the time your script marks the Sprint as finished, which screws up the reporting.


Jacek Katarzyniak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 13, 2019

Hi Laszlo,

It was working before Jira cloud update. Now it looks broken.

Thanks for your fast response :)

0 votes
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 4, 2019

Hello Laszlo,

Thank you for reaching out to Community!

I happened to notice that you raised the same request in our support portal, and my colleague, Belto, is already assisting you with this issue.

Once the issue is resolved, please feel free to reply here with the resolution, as it can help other users in the future.

Thank you for your understanding!



Vincent Mutambuki _ Mumo Systems _ October 7, 2019

I can't get this function to work. Is there a resolution to it?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 8, 2019

@Vincent Mutambuki _ Mumo Systems _ If you're having trouble importing a JSON file I recommend raising a support request at support providing the file being used and specifying what exactly isn't working (errors, failure, ect...)

Vincent Mutambuki _ Mumo Systems _ October 8, 2019

Thanks for your response. We have it fixed now. The sprint object was not in an Array. The warning it was throwing was misleading. 

tomasz.zylka May 8, 2020

@Vincent Mutambuki _ Mumo Systems _ could you please write an example how you fixed ?

I have the very same problem as @Laszlo Torok and I do have sprint object in an array, but still get the import error:

Cannot add value [ [{startDate=2019-01-01, endDate=2019-01-14, name=OMTC 112 R, completeDate=2019-01-14, state=CLOSED}, {startDate=2018-01-15, endDate=2018-01-31, name=OMTC 113 R, completeDate=2018-01-31, state=CLOSED}] ] to CustomField Sprint in Issue with summary 'Missing Reference in measure.xml leads to VGD not measuring': null

@tomasz.zylka  - The solution is documented here 

  "projects": [
      "name": "Project",
      "key": "KEY",
      "issues": [
          "externalId": "51",
          "priority" : "High",
          "description" : "Test JSON import",
          "status" : "TO DO",
          "reporter" : "abcde-12345-fedcba",
          "issueType" : "Bug",
          "summary" : "Test JSON import",
          "customFieldValues": [
              "fieldName": "Sprint",
              "fieldType": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint",
              "value": [
                  "rapidViewId": 30,
                  "state": CLOSED",
                  "startDate": "2018-01-01",
                  "endDate": "2018-01-01",
                  "completeDate": "2018-01-01",
                  "name": "New Sprint"
tomasz.zylka May 10, 2020

@Vincent Mutambuki _ Mumo Systems _ 

I don't know, I did what you wrote several days ago, now I repeated exactly same thing and obviously with the same result:

Cannot add value [ [{name=New Sprint, state=CLOSED, startDate=2018-01-01, endDate=2018-01-01, completeDate=2018-01-01, rapidViewId=456}] ] to CustomField Sprint in Issue with summary 'Summary of the issue': null 
Dylan Brophy February 19, 2021

This part of the JSON importer needs work, documentation also needs improving.

The example cannot be copied+pasted and still be valid JSON, so I know it wasn't tested as it is documented.

  "projects": [
      "name": "Project",
      "key": "KEY",
      "issues": [
          "externalId": "51",
          "priority" : "High",
          "description" : "Test JSON import",
          "status" : "TO DO",
          "reporter" : "abcde-12345-fedcba",
          "issueType" : "Bug",
          "summary" : "Test JSON import",
          "customFieldValues": [
              "fieldName": "Sprint",
              "fieldType": "com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint",
              "value": [
                  "rapidViewId": 30,
                  "state": CLOSED",
--------------------------^ Missing opening quote for string "CLOSED" ---------
"startDate": "2018-01-01", "endDate": "2018-01-01", "completeDate": "2018-01-01", "name": "New Sprint" } ] } ] } ] } ] }

This is a simple JSON error, easy for me to fix.  But this makes me, as a user, wonder what other errors there might be, and I now feel unsure that your documentation is filling in the correct fields with the correct values.  Because now I can tell that the JSON in your docs was not tested.
And what is rapidViewId?  Isn't it related to a board?  How can a board be created through the JSON import?  Why is rapidViewId 30?

As developers making tools to transfer our data to Jira, we need to know these things.  I just want to create my program.  But what about the next 10 devs that ask themselves these questions?  For them, the answers need to be added to your documentation.

Many things are not explained in your docs, for instance what `sub-task-link` means (among other things).  So we, as developers, are referencing these community forums.  Which, I guess is sorta ok, but there is always some missing information we have to work hours to dig up.  If it were all in the json import documentation then we could find it in minutes.

I know I sound negative here.  I don't mean to, and it's not how I typically communicate.  But seriously, how can we be expected to have faith in your product if the features we need to use it are poorly documented?

I'm not proposing that Atlassian go and update the documentation and call it a day, hoping that it's perfect.  Because that's not how docs work, it's iterative, and it's never going to be perfect.

What I'm asking for is this: Can we please have the documentation updated when someone opens a question about something that isn't mentioned in the docs, if it really is an important detail? And can the documentation be tested, to remove any potential mistakes?

I hope you don't take this harshly, it's not what I mean.  I just notice that I am one of many disgruntled users (for this feature, not for Jira generally) when I look on this community.  I hope my comprehensive explanation and direct request can be more constructive than the attempts of other users.


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tomasz.zylka July 14, 2021

thanks everyone for answers and your time.

in my case, even though I was using correct format and array of sprint object, I forgot to set proper `rapidViewId` value - that was the reason sprints were not created.

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