Hello Everyone!
Yes it’s that time again. The time where I take you on a highlight tour of some of the amazing content that has been posted this month. As always, there is a ton of great content for you to consume, and I can cover everything so please once you are done here, go checkout some of the other great articles on the Community!
On that note, let’s dive in!
First up, if you have been following my YouTube channel this month you will know that I have been promoting Confluence Customer Love Month every single week. Here I’m including the hub article which will show you everything you may have missed this month. I highly recommend using this as a launchpad into the other articles that have been posted there are a few really cool updates mixed in with all the great content! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Join-Confluence-Customer-Love-Month/ba-p/1930387
Next, a small community update, The Jira Automation collection has been renamed to Atlassian Automation. If you have been following posts in this collection you may have already seen this update. This was done to support the fact that there are plans for Automation to expand beyond Jira in the near future! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Automation-articles/Community-update-Jira-Automation-has-been-renamed-to-Atlassian/ba-p/1930959
Also, in case you missed it starting today (March 1st) Bitbucket Cloud users will not longer be able to use account password when using Basic authentication for Git over HTTPS or the Bitbucket Cloud REST API. If this is something that might impact you, go read through that post! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Bitbucket-articles/Announcement-Bitbucket-Cloud-account-password-usage-for-Git-over/ba-p/1948231
Are you a public speaker, or someone looking to get into public speaking? Have you joined the Speaker Bench group? This group is now posting on a monthly basis the local Atlassian Community Events chapters and what topics they are looking for someone to speak about. If you think you have something to share, check out the post and get connected with the local leaders! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Atlassian-Speaker-Bench-articles/Calling-aspiring-speakers-Monthly-ACE-Hot-Topics-February-2022/ba-p/1941117
Have you ever wanted to know how to get spaces in Confluence by the space key using the API? @WW has a great two part set of articles giving you a completed walkthrough about how to accomplish this using ScriptRunner for Confluence Server/DC. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/Get-spaces-by-keys-with-the-Confluence-API/ba-p/1939901
Looking for cool and interesting ways to use Jira Work management? Go check out what @Laurens Coppens did to track everything he and his wife needed to prepare for the arrival of their new baby! While you are there why not congratulate them on the new bundle of joy! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Off-topic-articles/Project-Baby-Jira-Work-Management/ba-p/1944149
Speaking of tracking things in Jira, @Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_ has a great post about Seven measurements that can help you make better decisions. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/What-Metrics-Should-You-Track-in-Jira/ba-p/1943641
While we are talking about questions, @Josh Costella have a wonderful article around the most important question every Atlassian Administrator should be asking their users when they ask for something. Why?https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Cloud-Admins-articles/Start-with-Why/ba-p/1936236
I love watching the master of all things Trello, @Brittany Joiner, work her magic on all sorts of questions and problems. Her most recent adventure? Syncing cards and checklist items with Trello Automation. You should check this out. It also includes a video version if you would rather watch her in action! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Trello-articles/Sync-cards-and-checklist-items-with-Trello-Automation/ba-p/1935143
Lastly, a bit of a shameless self promo here. As you all know, I have been highlighting the #JiraHeroes posts. This month, features my company and how we have standardized our Product and R&D teams on a common process using two Jira projects and Advanced Roadmaps to provide consistency and transparency to our release process. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/JiraHeroes-February-22-Spotlight-Jimmy-Seddon/ba-p/1942346
Are you still looking for more great content to consume? Of course you are! Don’t forget to jump into these hot, trending discussions:
I have you all enjoyed this. Be sure to check back again next month for another round of great content in the Online Community!
Until then, have a great March, and thanks for stopping by!
As an added bonus once again, you can also find this round up in a video version that is featured on my YouTube channel: JimmyTalksJira if you would prefer to watch me go through the highlights of this round up:
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers