This item make little to no sense to me. If it is a public forum/free application then that can make sense but in a corporate environment it makes no sense as there has to be abilities to have responsibility and logging for work done as well as keeping track of who did what.
So, I strongly oppose to removing usernames in Atlassian Cloud for paying customers.
Johan T. Lindgren
That's also what I understand:
Atlassian accounts use the email address as the unique identifier
Usernames (...) will eventually be phased out in favor of display names
So you'll still be able to track who did what based on emails and display names.
- Manon
Does anybody know how to make the Display Names appear as they should or did?
Even if I log in as the user I cannot edit the name under the Profile for Full Name fields.
I understand it needs to be stripped from the API but currently, the return is a bit problematic for us.
Any new users I now add to our company's cloud has a generic format i.e instead of or then just John Doe.
A new Display name field should be added to either /admin/users/ and /admin/users/view
or /secure/ViewProfile.jspa