newly created cards on all boards

October 17, 2022


Is there a table view or a search that will show me all new cards created by anyone on any board each day?

Thanks in advance Jan

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October 19, 2022

Hi @Jan , 

Silvia from Blue Cat here, we specialize in power-ups that focus on reporting and we love tracking cards in Trello 😺

Have you checked our reporting tool? You can set up a Quick List that tracks all of the board you're interested in, set up a Time in List filter for 1 day or less and have it sent to your email each day.

Blue Cat Quick List.PNG

You'd additionally set a filter for the lists new cards get added to and that's it.

When you sign up for a trial with us at Blue Cat, you can reach out to our support through the app and we are happy to help with creating a report as the above or anything else you might need.

October 20, 2022

Thanks I will review 

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