Zugangsdaten Trello

Jutta Weiland
I'm New Here
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January 9, 2025

Hallo, ich habe anscheinend versehentlich 2 Trello Accounts angelegt, komme aber über mein Macbook nur noch in den einen rein, der ohne Inhalt ist. Auf dem Smartphone klappt es, jedoch kann ich dort nicht die Zugangsdaten finden. Wer kann mir helfen?

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Alisson Sartor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 10, 2025

Hello, Jutta

Welcome to the community.

Do you have a URL of a board to share of the account you need access? I can confirm for you the account and you can request a password reset to log in again. You can also open the app on the three bars and check the email there, and request the access on the following link 


Kind Regards
Trello Team

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