Why can't I copy my list to a new board?

Kelsi Nash
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August 1, 2022

I'm trying to either copy a list to a new board or move all the cards from a list to a list in a new board. When I try to copy the list, it creates a new list but doesn't include all the cards. When I try to move the list to the new board, it gives me a small error symbol in the bottom left corner (yellow triangle with an exclamation point inside) but no other information. Why won't it let me move my list? Could I have too many cards (around 500)?

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Brittany Joiner
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August 1, 2022

@Kelsi Nash welcome to the community! if you click on the yellow triangle, does it show you anything?

I just tried to replicate this on my end by creating a list with 500 cards, and i got this error, 


So i wonder if that's what is happening.


Have you tried doing this with the Bulk Actions Power-Up? You might have to only do like 80 cards at a time, but at least that would only take about 6 actions. 

Just select as many cards as you can, and then select "move" and then the options for the board. Then go and select more cards a few more times til they're all cleared. 


Kelsi Nash
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August 1, 2022

@Brittany Joiner The yellow triangle didn't give any helpful information but I was able to use the Bulk Actions power-up! Thanks for the work around. 

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Brittany Joiner
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August 1, 2022

@Kelsi Nash great! Glad that worked!

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