Watch button enables when adding a member on a card

Deleted user April 17, 2023

When we add members on a card, the watch button automatically enables. But this is not useful for us. We're a small team and we have our board open all the time, so we get notifications every time a card is created. What we don't want is to have to disable the watch feature everyday on each card that we create and also don't want to receive every change that is made on the card after it's created.

Is there a way to turn off this feature?

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Atlassian Team
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April 19, 2023

Hi @[deleted],

Welcome to the Atlassian Community, and I hope you're doing well today!

I'm afraid not! There's no way for you to turn off the watch option when you add members to cards. One suggestion is to ask your colleagues who were added to the cards by you to open the card and uncheck the Watch option from the card if they're being flooded with notifications on Trello. 

Also, I recommend you look at this help doc explaining how users receive notifications on Trello: This should give you all the details about it. I hope it helps!

Deleted user April 19, 2023

Thank you, @Sal!

That's what we've been doing but we don't want to get into every card we create everyday and click stop watching. I hope the team would consider to change this because not all the features are for every team. And this is not useful to us.

I appreciate the recommendation, it helps a little bit. Have a great day!

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