Trouble with setting an automation - custom field date based off another custom field date

Joey Haimes September 25, 2024




Hi everyone!

I'm trying to create an automation in Trello that can help track whether a task is completed within a specific time frame. However, on Trello automation, it only seems to allow me to set an automation from ‘Now’ and not based of another custom field date.

For instance, I want the following automation in place:

  • Custom field date (Deadline) to be set 5 WD’s from other custom field date (Meeting Date). 

Is it possible to set up an automation in Trello to set a custom field date based of another custom field date?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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Carolina Lopez
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2024

Hi Joey!

You can achieve this result using variables. Check out our detailed document on utilizing arithmetic and formatting date variables here:
Arithmetic and formatting in date variables

You can also access this document to learn about using Custom Fields in rules:
Use Custom Fields in rules

I recently tested it with a new rule and it worked as expected:

when custom field "Meeting date" is set, set custom field "Deadline" to "{{%Meeting date}+5wd}"

Feel free to give it a try and let me know how it goes!

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