New Due Date Reflects (in)Complete Status from Prior Date

Ben Whiting April 19, 2017

This seems like a bug, but it could be expected behavior. I'm hoping someone can confirm or this will bring the bug to Trello's attention.


  • Due date added to card (ex: 4/22/17)
  • Due date completed [x]
  • Due date removed from card
  • New due date added to card (5/8/17)

The resulting due date ends up being already completed, which then causes the card not to flow through my workflow properly.

Expected behavior for me would be that removing a due date resets the completion status of the due date for that card, so that when a new due date is added it is incomplete (default).

Has anyone else run into this? Is it a bug?

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Devon Henderson
Rising Star
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April 19, 2017

I just tested this and mine worked as expected - my second due date was open, and not marked completed.

  1. Set due date on card (4/22/17)
  2. Marked due date as complete.
  3. Removed Due Date from card.
  4. Added new Due Date to card (4/25/17)

The second due date was not complete, and is performing they way you, and I, would expect it to. I would submit this as a bug on Trello's website. This way you can directly interact with Trello staff to resolve your situation. 

Good luck!

Ben Whiting April 19, 2017

Thanks. Definitely odd, as I tried it again today and received the same results.

I've submitted a bug report to Trello, so hopefully they'll be able to nail down the issue.


Ben Whiting April 21, 2017

Trello said the bug had been fixed previously. Once I made sure my browser was updated and cleared the cache/cookies, things started working correctly.


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 21, 2017

Thanks for following up to let us know it works. :)

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