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Multiboard card sync

RH July 14, 2023

Is there a native trello way to have cards linked and when that particular card is move on one board the linked card on the second board also moves list?

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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 16, 2023

Yes, please see my guide to linking, you could remove the parent child element with checklist and directly link as attachments to get what you would like to achieve 

RH July 24, 2023

Hi I need some extra help with this.

I do not fully understand what is happening here. im already stuck on step2.

I want a duplicate card to be created on a second board.

and when that card is in the last list I want the main card to be moved as well to the final list.



on board 1 when a card is moved to list X -> create "duplicate card" on board 2 in list Y . (with full info)


On board 2 when a card is moved out of list Y into List Z

I want the "main" card on board 1 also to move to List Z.


hopefully this makes sense on what i am trying to accomplice

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