How to create a rule or automation limiting WIP on board settings

Paulo Roberto Fregatti June 23, 2023

Is it possible even limiting the WIP with the minimum and maximum value of cards manually create a blocking rule or automation to not let them move more cards than the number already configured?


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Jehan Bhathena
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June 24, 2023

As most documents/blogs suggest, the Kanban board is more for view-ability and not for restriction.

Didn't find any way to add a restriction but I can suggest a workaround where you can send a mail to a set of people if the limit is breached. Below is my theory:

* Using, fetch the MAX value of the board's column

* Using, get the issue count for that board

* Compare the values received from about the steps above and send our a email if the value is breached.

Hope this helps :-)


PS: Not tested any of this

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