
Prestige Woodworks July 18, 2023

Hello Trello Community! 

We are currently switching our operations from using Microsoft ToDo to Trello. We utilized hashtags in ToDo (within the equivalent of a card checklist) as a way of marking specific items as needing some form of rework back upstream. Our ordering team would search each day for any #reorders and our production team would search for any #rework items. A simple search for that specific hashtag would bring up all hashtags of that type in any card and/or board.

The reason we did it this way is so that the information could remain on the project card. That way anyone who viewed the project card would know the progress of any rework item. 

Our fear is that if we create a separate card for a rework item, the project card would no longer contain the information telling all parts of the business what stage any rework items are at.

We are pure novices with trello :) any help would be amazing.


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Dreamsuite Mike
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July 18, 2023

Check out this article to see if this can help you link to a parent project card.


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