Get slack alert with the card due date - including card name

Rohan Agarwal June 12, 2022


I am trying to integrate alerts from my Trello cards into slack. I was able to setup a generic update saying "card is due". I want to do the following:

  • Every morning, send a list of Due Cards to a slack channel, which includes the card title. Example message:
    "Good Morning. The cards due today for buildouts are as follows:
    - Card Title 1
    - Card Title 2
    - Card Title 3"
  • Once a card is moved to a separate list for example from the "to-do" list to "doing", send alert to a separate slack channel saying the following"
    - "Hello, the "card title" card is ready for next steps"

I will be happy to answer any further questions to clarify this. I am trying to integrate multiple boards in my organization. Currently playing around with a test board, and test slack channel before looping everyone in. 

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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June 12, 2022

Hi @Rohan Agarwal ! Check out creating butler reports as well as butler variables. For your first command, it would just be a simple calendar command which includes your report. And for the second command, it would be a trigger-based rule that occurs when a card transitions from "to do" to "doing". 

Rohan Agarwal June 13, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows 
This is specifying "email reports". I am trying to send a text report to a slack channel that is connected to the workspace. Can You please help with that?

Thanks for the prompt response

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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June 13, 2022

@Rohan Agarwal in the example shown in the guide, they're using the action "send an email notification", so in your case, you would just simply swap that out with "send a slack notification". Let me know if you get stuck with the set up and I can send through some screenshots if that helps :) 

Rohan Agarwal June 13, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows . Thank you for your reply. I am really appreciate a few screenshots, as I am getting stuck with the setup. I will be happy to provide any information that you may need for those screenshots. 

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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June 13, 2022

@Rohan Agarwal what part are you getting stuck on? Here's a screenshot of my command if that helps:

slack report.PNG

Rohan Agarwal June 13, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows I cannot figure out where I will input the command? I have attached a screenshot of what I see

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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June 13, 2022

@Rohan Agarwal For the first command, it needs to be a calendar command seeing as the trigger is based on a schedule. For the second command, it would be a rule-based trigger.

Here's a basic guide of creating butler commands and you can see how to create rules vs calendar commands:

Rohan Agarwal June 13, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows Thank you. I will work on this, and keep you update. I really appreciate the help. 

Rohan Agarwal June 15, 2022

@Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows I was able to setup alerts for the upcoming cards using the calendar - butler commands. I am facing the following issue now. I cannot find a way to pull a report of the "past due" cards. Would you be able to help me with this?


Thank you so much for your help and support so far. 

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