Flexible board lay outs

Mark Millhone May 7, 2017

I love bulletin boards - whic is why I got excited by trello.  I am a very visual thinker so being able to have a virtual bulletin board to move projects around and sort my ideas is great - except that it doesn't really seem to work that way? I have the "lists" chrome extension but it just gives you a second row of linearally arranged cards.  I can't decide to creat a row that's all of my projects off to the right and then have an open space for sorting, etc., does that make sense?  Options

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Alexis Robert
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February 2, 2019

Hi @Mark Millhone


what I usually do with Trello is arrange my projects by status, like "new", "ongoing", "stalled" as I find it easier to visualize this way.

I would suggest you try to find a way to order your different projects in categories rather than have everything in the same column !



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