Custom fields in mobile app

Nathan Ondricek
April 20, 2017


My team and I have been using the custom fields power up in our cards to track a number of data points that are present in all of our projects. However when I open up trello in my mobile app (android or iphone) the custom fields are not shown or available anywhere. Is there a way to get those to appear in the mobile app?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Atlassian Team
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April 21, 2017

Hey Nathan,

Right now the Power-Ups including Custom fields are not available in mobile apps. Trello does support most mobile browsers, so feel free to access from the browser of your mobile devices to see custom fields.

Stefano Tortarolo
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November 19, 2017

Hey Torben,

I know it's always tricky with these things, but do you have any plans to allow custom power-ups on mobile?

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Manuel Wanskasmith
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February 28, 2018

I second this request. I created an awesome board and cards on the web view with 3 custom fields per card and enabled "Card Front Badge." I was bummed out when I viewed the board in the iOS app and it did not show the fields. I don't think "bummed out" is the user experience Trello is shooting for!

Love the feature, would love it even more with parity on mobile!

The Help doc for Custom Fields sets the expectation:

Enable "Card Front Badge" if you'd like to see that information on the front of the card.

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Drew Shafer March 5, 2018

Checking back in on this request.

We use custom fields as well at our company, and this would just be an awesome feature if the mobile app also included it. 

Can you confirm if this is being worked on?

On a side note:  I think its great that the Trello app has a native calendar built it, but it is very limited.

Is there anything in the works for the calendar to function more like Googles Calendar app? 

We currently use the Planyway power up, which 2-way syncs the Trello and Google calendar...but it's a bit clunky. 

What are the odds that Trello releases a calendar that can stand alone next to Google's calendar type?

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Anders Bornholm
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March 16, 2018

A mobile app user experience that completely excludes data that is available on the boards is not a good way to go... I find this problem extremely limiting when trying to promote Trello in my organization over more specialized tools (like Pipedrive for sales).

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