Can an answer to a Trello checklist generate another checklist?

Deleted user July 18, 2017

I currently have a checklist:

Compliance sign off needed

Compliance sign off achieved.


Ideally I'd like 'Compliance sign off achieved' only to become valid if the answer to 'compliance sign off needed' is checked, is this possible?

Thanks in advance

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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July 18, 2017

Hey Nicola
Unfortunately, that is not possible. Any checklist item can be checked at any time.

If you're okay with changing your current flow of things on your board, perhaps you can integrate Butlerbot into your board to help automate this.
Say you create a new list for "Compliance sign off achieved". You can command Butler to then move that card with the checklist to this new list.

when i complete the "Compliance" checklist, move the card to the "Compliance sign off achieved" list

So any time that checklist is completed, the card will move to the new list. Not sure if that will disrupt your current work flow, but it's a suggestion at the very least

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