Can I export all custom field options/values?

Nathan Ondricek
April 20, 2017


My team and I have been using the Custom Fields Power up to track some recurring data points that we have in all of our projects. At the end of the year I export all of our archived cards to see how many projects we completed using the Export for Trello Chrome extension. That extension works well, but it doesn't export the data that we've entered in to the custom fields. Is there a way to run an export that would include those data points entered in to the custom fields?

I'm using the free version, would it be available if I was on a paid/business plan?

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Atlassian Team
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April 21, 2017

Hi Nathan,


It sounds like the Export for Trello extension hasn't been updated to support Custom Fields yet.


The JSON export, which is included in the free version of Trello, does include Custom Fields data, but it's not particularly human readable. Instead, the CSV export (which is only availabel with Business Class, unfortunately) also now includes Custom Field data and is very human readable, so that might be a great option for you.

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