Can I create a list that automatically archives cards?

Harry Browning
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April 21, 2017

Hi All,

Is it possible to create a list that automatically archives cards?

I want to have 3 lists:

To-Do, Doing, Done.

When cards get moved to the 'Done' list, it would be great if they could get automatically archived. 

This would save the click-intensive process of going into each individual card and clicking 'archive'. (I know you can hover and press 'c' on web, but I'm not aware of similar shortcuts on mobile?)


Also, a follow-up related question is, can I make it so if one clicks completed on the card's due date, it also gets automatically archived?


Thanks for the help,



2 answers

2 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 24, 2017

Natively this is not available in Trello. You might want to check out this 3rd party tool, that might help with automating the steps mentioned:

1 vote
Devon Henderson
Rising Star
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April 24, 2017

I would like to second Torben's suggestion - Butler for Trello is absolutely the perfect tool for this, for a couple of reasons. First, it will work on every single platform because it's a "user" of the board. It doesn't require any sort of installation on your devices to work. So, once you set it up for the first time, you can immediately use it from anywhere you use Trello. Second, it's super easy! Here's how:

  1. Visit and get set up through there.
  2. Add Butler to the board you want to make this Done list on (it's best to add Butler from the dashboard on; sometimes the search will lag when trying to find the bot as a user on the Trello website)
  3. Create your Done list on your board.
  4. Add this to a card title in your Butler list:

when a card is added to list "Done", archive all the cards in list "Done"

Then, every time you add a card to your Done list, Butler will archive it for you. You can add cards to your Done list on mobile, via email, anywhere - Butler will do its work :)

Hope this helps!

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