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Anyone else got problems with card counter?

Karl Macnaughton October 13, 2023

The Original Card Counter for Trello extension for Google Chrome was working fine two days ago and now it's like it's not there at all: no number of cards anywhere. Is anyone else having this problem?

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Brittany Joiner
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October 14, 2023

@Karl Macnaughton I think Trello has stopped supporting various Chrome Extensions. I use the Card Limit Power-Up and Dashcards Power-Up for counting cards!

Anas Mustafa
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October 20, 2023

I added this powerups but its still not showing Card Counter

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Brittany Joiner
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October 20, 2023

If you're using Card Limit, You'll need to click the three dots at the top of a list and set a limit for the list (it doesn't matter the number) and then it will show you a count at the top. 

If you're using Daschards, you'll need to go into the Power-Up (click the button at the top toolbar) and then make a filter to say where you want to count cards.

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Josh Moffatt
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October 13, 2023

None of my chrome extensions currently work. Board filters aren't working correctly either. It's a pain in the ass.

Brittany Joiner
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October 14, 2023

@Josh Moffatt if you're having issues with board filters, you can reach out to and they should be able to help if there's some sort of bug!

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