Best Way To Use Trello For Digital Agency As A Project Management Tool

Jonathan Gilde
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June 21, 2017

We have been using Trello for years as a way to work with certain parts of our team and projects, but we have also always used Basecamp as our project management tool.

How do you / your company use Trello as a project management tool? We have 100+ clients and offer content, SEO, social media, link building, email marketing, etc. so I don't want to overwhelm our team with boards & cards.


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Alex Laycy
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December 9, 2019

Hi Jonathon,


As a first step, i'd recommend trying to identify "the buckets" that are appropriate for the work / clients within your agency and your workflows.


In some cases, it's best to take a team focused approach - whereas in others it's best to either start with projects or individual clients.


For us, we found that the following structure worked well;


- Agency/Company (board showing individual tickets for agency initiatives + client statuses)

-- Client (board showing individual tickets for projects, indicating their position within the project lifecycle)

--- Project (board per client project, with tickets created to be a similar scale based on the INVEST criteria)


- Alex 


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