Update on Collaborator Limit for Free Trello Workspaces


Atlassian Team
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March 11, 2024
Gabriel Barbosa March 12, 2024

Please consider Purchase Power Parity in pricing plans. Considering that 10 USD = 50 BRL per user per month will be just not acessible for anyone in Brazil.

Also the standard plan should include managing user groups, this is basic functionality not some "extra feature"

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March 12, 2024

What about those of us who use trello for simple - little things like managing video game communities? 60 dollars per year PER USER adds up EXTREMELY QUICKLY. 

It is understandable that Trello makes most of it's business on enterprises and businesses, however it's usefulness has made it popular for small communities that while some aren't non-profit, they barely have enough profit at the end of the day to afford such a high price for a service. 

Gotta make money sure - but perhaps for smaller communities that arent running businesses that make thousands a day, you could increase that max threshold, or you could charge those communities a more reasonable fee to add more users to their existing free groups, without adding any other features to their boards, instead of having to pay around 210 bucks a month to have a game community with a bunch of volunteers running it. This change makes Trello non-viable for use for such communities, and no one wants to have to migrate to a different service to keep enjoying their own little community.

Dreamsuite Mike
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March 12, 2024

Hi @Officer_Potato911 

I recommend you look at this article to see how the alternatives stack up....


I would say that a small community is ~10 or so members, they have to draw the line somewhere....

Take a look at trying to set the community workspace up so that you have a single workspace member and create 1 board for collaboration, with those joining as single board guests.  Then you'll only pay $60/year for Trello Standard...


Sloane Milstein
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March 12, 2024

We have an event at our University in April, I see that there have been posts about an extension until May which would get us to the end of the semester. How do we go about requesting or making sure that we have access to our board through May 15?

Atlassian Team
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March 12, 2024

@Sloane Milstein There's no special extension needed. For everyone, the only change on April 8 is that you will not be able to invite new collaborators if you already have 10 or more. You can continue using Trello normally with the collaborators you already have on your Workspace until May 20, at which they'll still be accessible but read-only.

Starting April 8, there will also be a 30 day free trial available, no credit card required.

Atlassian Team
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March 12, 2024

@Gabriel Barbosa I want to clarify that Trello Premium isn't the only option for unlimited collaborators. Trello's Standard plan is half the price of Trello Premium, at $5 USD per user per month (when paid annually), and also allows unlimited collaborators. You can compare the plans here: trello.com/pricing

Additionally, if you have users in your Workspace who are only members of a single board in the Workspace and aren't members of the Workspace itself, those users would be free in any of Trello's paid plans.

Barbara Barretta
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March 12, 2024

Hi! After May 20, will other people outside my Worspace be able to view my boards?

Brittany Joiner
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March 12, 2024

@Barbara Barretta my undestanding is that the people you have set to view a boards will always be able to view it, editing will just be disabled. So if your board is public, anyone can view it, and if it's private but you've invited folks outside your workspace they'll be able to view it but no one will be able to edit the content in there.

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Beatriz Fernandes
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March 12, 2024

Tenho uma dúvida sobre a compra de planos para comportar quadros com mais de 10 membros. Os valores mensais são sinalizados "por usuário", nesse caso gostaria de saber se esses custos me serão cobrados por membro do quadro ou, como administrador, o fato de comprar o plano me dá acesso à essa funcionalidade e posso adicionar uma quantidade maior de membros?

cgp March 12, 2024

@Caity is there a way to change members to guests on a board without copying the board, moving all the cards and inviting all current members to join the new one as a guest (which is my current plan unless there is a less cumbersome way)?


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Gabriel Barbosa March 12, 2024

@Caity still that doesnt answer about Purchase Power Parity, please consider countries outside US and Europe.
Also we need user groups so we have to pay "Premium" for it, so it will be 15 users * $10 * conversion rate that is the problem, get it?

Franco Cespedes
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March 12, 2024

Hi! I use Trello for organizational purposes in a multi-workspace multi-collaborator scheme. Since we are in the tech. operations for big events we have one workspace for every week and one board for every event we work on (sometimes we make 10+ boards for each week), in each board i need my personnel to see their schedules and which equipment they should set up plus other details relevant to the personnel assigned for that event. This new billing policy would force us to leave Trello since we are an argentinean company and paying 5 USD for every single employee is economically non-viable from any point of view. We would be able to pay a fair fee, but it is too much going from completely free to multi-thousand dollar budget. Is there any solution to our case? Thank you!

Atlassian Team
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March 12, 2024

@cgp To change a Workspace member to a guest, all you need to do is remove them from the Workspace members list: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/removing-people-from-a-workspace/

Once they're no longer a member of the Workspace, they'll automatically be a guest if they're still a member of any boards within that Workspace. There's no need to change anything on the board itself.

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Atlassian Team
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March 12, 2024

Oi @Beatriz Fernandes! Vamos por partes. Como tu deve ter visto, os preços das assinaturas pagas do Trello são por usuário dentro da sua área de trabalho. Porém, somente por usuários faturáveis na sua assinatura. Pode ter ficado mais confuso, mas me acompanhe que eu vou explicar melhor.

Quando uma pessoa tem uma assinatura do Trello (Standard ou Premium), existem duas formas para que uma pessoa se torne faturável:

  • Membro de uma área de trabalho – Qualquer membro da área de trabalho, including administradores
  • Convidados de múltiplos quadros – Qualquer usuário que não é um membro da área de trabalho, mas que possui acesso a mais de 2 quadros em uma única área de trabalho.

Tendo isso em mente, deixa-me te dar um exemplo prático. Vamos dizer que você tem uma área de trabalho gratuita, da qual você tem 20 colaboradores (Membros da área de trabalho + convidados). Porém, desses 20 colaboradores, você tem 2 membros da área de trabalho, 15 convidados com acesso a somente um quadro, e 3 convidados com acesso a mais de dois quadros na sua área de trabalho, totalizando os 20 colaboradores. 

Com isso, vamos dizer que você quer fazer o upgrade da sua área de trabalho para o plano anual do Standard (que é o plano mais em conta), que é 5 dólares por usuário e 6 dólares por usuário, caso você pague mensalmente. 

Nesse exemplo, ao fazer o upgrade da sua área de trabalho, você iria ter que pagar por 5 pessoas (você, e os outros 4 membros faturáveis da sua área de trabalho) na assinatura Standard, que resultaria em um valor anual de 300 dólares. 

Como eu expliquei, convidados com acesso a múltiplos quadros, e membros da área de trabalho impactam diretamente no valor final da sua assinatura. Caso você não deseja pagar por esses usuários, você pode remover o acesso deles aos quadros que não são necessários, ou até mesmo converter membros da área de trabalho a convidados, o que te permitirá reduzir o valor final da sua assinatura, para que seja um valor mais acessível ao teu bolso. Espero ter conseguido responder a sua pergunta, Beatriz.

Além disso, nós temos mais detalhes sobre como as assinaturas funcionam no Trello neste link: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/how-billing-works-with-trello-premium-and-standard/

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 12, 2024

Hey @Gabriel Barbosa! Tu poderia explicar melhor o que tu quis dizer com "user groups"? Eu não sei se eu entendi muito bem, e ajudaria muito se tu pudesse dar mais contexto sobre a tua pergunta. 

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March 13, 2024

I have two questions for you.

In a workspace called “A”, 80 Collaborators are using a single “A1” board. In this case, will I be able to use it for free in the future?

If a Collaborator using the “A1” board in the “A” workspace
Is it also free if I use the “B1” board in a workspace called “B”?

Gabriel Barbosa March 13, 2024

@Sal No plano Standard será possível definir níveis de permissão para os membros da equipe? Essa é uma funcionalidade que considero como essencial para o workspace então é algo que obriga utilizarmos o plano Premium, o qual será inacessível para outras moedas devido a conversão para o dólar como já mencionei. Existe alguma solução como essa por exemplo? https://www.pricery.io/international-pricing-calculator?price_1=10&parity_mode=b2c&currency_mode=usd&rounding_mode=none&query=br

Darren Sayer
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March 13, 2024

We have 20 Team members currently using Trello, We use multiple workspaces with multiple boards in each workspace, what is the minimum package we would require to keep using Trello as we currently are ?

Atlassian Team
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March 13, 2024

Oi @Gabriel Barbosa! A única forma atualmente que existe no Trello para limitar o acesso de usuários ao que eles podem fazer dentro de um quadro é convidando-os como Observadores do teu quadro. Esse recurso é exclusivo da assinatura Premium, mas é algo que permite com que administradores da área de trabalho ou do quadro, compartilhem os quadros com outros usuários, mas limitando o que eles podem fazer dentro do quadro, como por exemplo, criar cartões, marcar itens de uma checklist, etc. 

Infelizmente, o Trello não possui outros tipos de limites de controle de acesso, mas é algo que estamos estudando e coletando feedback dos nossos usuários. 

Sobre a localização dos preços, infelizmente nenhum produto da Atlassian possui preços locais. Mas eu vou passar o teu feedback sobre isso, já que eu entendo como isso pode impactar muito a decisão das pessoas entre fazer o upgrade ou não. 

Espero ter ajudado! 

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Sarah Stokes March 13, 2024

How long does it take to be approved for the non-profit discount and when would you recommend I apply so I can take full advantage of the free month trial, please @Caity?

Dina Smith March 13, 2024

We are a nonprofit with hundreds of boards on many workspaces, collaborating with a lot of individuals that are not in our organization in addition to staff members.  Many of the users as well as the admins have left the organization.  Is there a way to identify all of the workspaces, boards and users associated with our domain so we can more easily manage the cleanup of unused boards and users?  

Adam Grapes
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March 14, 2024


Our company that is based in Italy would like to upgrade to a standard account. We would need an invoice with our company name on at that would be sent to an email address that isn't a member of our boards. Is this possible?

Many Thanks


Charlotte R
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March 14, 2024

If I have 1 board which I am the owner of but I have 70 collaborators, which plan do I need?

Fernando Manzano March 14, 2024

I've been reading the provided information about the pricing and the remarks of this thread during a while, and I find it extremely complicated. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to think about migrating to an alternative solution... 

That's my situation. I have three workspaces:

1st: 1 dashboard with 49 users (guests) and 1 member (my user)
2nd: 2 dashboards with 25 users (guests) and 1 member (my user)
3rd: 1 dashboard with 14 users (guests) and 1 member (my user)

These users (guests) belong to multiple institutions from different countries, so paying for licenses for all of them is not possible.

Thank you very much for your help.

All the best,





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