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Update on Collaborator Limit for Free Trello Workspaces


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 15, 2024

@Josh Dengler Any person who is a member of a Workspace or a member of any board within the Workspace is counted as a collaborator. If you want those additional 14 people to be members of the boards, they will be counted as collaborators. If they only need able to view and possibly comment on the board but don't need to make any other changes, then you can make the board public and send them a link to it without making them members of the board. In that case, they won't be counted as collaborators—however, keep in mind that if they share the link to the board with anyone else, that person will also be able to view all of the board's content, since it will public.


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