It takes a team (and collaboration tools) to launch Atlassian Community

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Here we are at 3:24 at Atlassian in San Francisco.  We are reviewing our Trello board that is shared with our vendor.  All dependent blockers are fixed.  We are using HipChat to wake up our system admin in Sydney for a DNS update.  Our JIRA ticket is previously filed with the explicit requirements.  My Confluence blog to all Atlassian announcing the launch is in draft and ready to go! (and the champagne is in the fridge) 


We chose to use Trello to share and manage a to do list with our vendor.  It was light and easy to update, and we didn't want to give access to our internal JIRA project.  We created columns to identify low priority, URGENT, Atlassian review, and closed. 

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Our team collaborated with stakeholders on requirements and decision registers in a confluence space dedicated to Atlassian Community.  Here, our Design team also uploaded and shared their mocks per user story.  You can see how we included JIRA tickets for our Project Central project.  Atlassian uses a centralized JIRA project to share weekly project status updates across the company. 

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HipChat rooms helped to keep audiences separate.  Organically, we arrived at having a room for X-Force that included contributors from anywhere across Atlassian including Marketing and stakeholders.  We create Community Design for our UX team in Austin, TX to talk directly with our developers.  And, we needed to create Decision Swarm, where we would all enter in to spare and come to agreements as new issues arose.  

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In JIRA, we used Kanban, and two week sprints.  Our development team was new to the platform we were builidng on, and in many cases we were dependent upon our vendor to close tickets.  Kanban gave us the flexibility to enable our team to pull in additional work if they were blocked.  It also enabled our business teammates to track their activities required for launch alongside platform delivery. 

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And in the time that it took for me to write this, we have fixed a CDN issue, removed simple auth, our system admin arrived and is updating our DNS! (and the champagne is chilled.... gotta run!) 


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Bridget Sauer
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 4, 2017

Cheers :)


蒋恩情 April 5, 2017

hope you can solve my special problem everyday I'll meet~~

Brian Hill
April 5, 2017

Nice to see a collaboration pattern that illustrates the mix of HipChat, Trello, JIRA and Confluence. Now that the product stable has expanded with the Trello acquisition, there's potential for new collaboration patterns to be explored.

nodejsgurj1 April 11, 2017

Finally I'm getting somewhere. This is all new to me.. @davidgreens

Rob Smith
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 13, 2017

Always useful seeing examples of how Atlassian products are used at other companies.

Btw there's a typo (Atlasssian) in the bold text on the Confluence screenshot.

Monique vdB
Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 13, 2017

Nice catch!

Christian Kretzschmar April 14, 2017

I nice example on how collaboration could work when using high quality tools for specific purposes. :)

Justin April 19, 2017

A-mazing! Thanks for sharing a piece about your process and the team! Feels more like family in here everyday.

Karen Hayden June 15, 2017

How did you get Backlog on a Kanban board?  When can we get this?

Theresa Marwah
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 21, 2017

HI Karen - I just saw your question above. Here is information on how to set up your Kanban board using Jira Software, cheers 

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events