Mentioned users in meetings/events.

Rising Star
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April 20, 2021

1) Can calendar check when we mentioned user in the meeting/event for example today at 12-00 to 13-00 so another person can't create meeting/event with the same person using this time. And give us an erorr, like this person already in the meeting at this time?

2) Can we link calendars so that user is adding calendar to his personal space and then he add multiple calendars to his personal calendar but  see every meetings/events from mentioned calendars only  where he was mentioned in other meetings/events from calendars in confluence.

Or if there any extentions for Calendar in marketplace?

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Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 21, 2021


1) Can calendar check when we mentioned user in the meeting/event for example today at 12-00 to 13-00 so another person can't create meeting/event with the same person using this time. And give us an erorr, like this person already in the meeting at this time? It does not have that functionality.  You would need to use a calendaring application like 0365 or Google Calendars to be able to see conflicts.

2) Can we link calendars so that user is adding calendar to his personal space and then he add multiple calendars to his personal calendar but  see every meetings/events from mentioned calendars only  where he was mentioned in other meetings/events from calendars in confluence.  On a personal calendar page, you can add as many calendars as you like but there is no way to filter on @ mentions.  

I do not know of any apps in the marketplace that provide this functionality.  There are apps that allow you to sync to calendars like Office and Google and use them in Confluence.

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