What is the User-Agent from the Statuspage Webhook?

Gabriel Nunes
I'm New Here
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July 2, 2024

Hello! I'm creating a Webhook and to prevent wrong use of it, I want to block User-Agent that is not from de Statuspage.

Where can I find it?

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Jesse Klein
Atlassian Team
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July 3, 2024

Hi Gabriel,

This is Jesse from the Statuspage support team. Welcome to the community and thanks for the question about the User-Agent. I went to webhook.site and, subscribed to my text page with the webhook endpoint and created a test incident. The user agent I got is statuspage.io/webhooks/f5a56c75b8d17d3712bfb80987a95de861859388

I would recommend allowing statuspage.io when possible to prevent any issues with this. Also, I believe that token is unique to the page you subscribe to so the ending of that URL would change. Hopefully, that helps!


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